01 April 2010

Do All Boys Make You Uncomfotable? No...Not the _____ Ones. :)

Today was better than yesterday. Yay...

So let's start with the first thing I remember happening..we were on our way to prayer [Jennifer, Liz and I] and Liz hits my arm and hints with her eyes that I should take a gander to my left...so I do. And what do I see!?! AN ARMY!!! WOOHOO THE FIRST ONE OF THE DAY!! [I only saw like 3 though. :(]

So then I got to thinking...when and why did all this military fascination start!? What happened that was so significant that ignited this flame? Well, I'll tell you my theory. When I was in the 7th grade, the Spring after 9/11, we went to Washington DC on a family vacation. While there, we visited Arlington Cemetery. I remember walking through the rows of headstones and feeling....funny..is the only word I can use to describe it. I asked my mom "What do you have to do to get buried here?" And she said "Be in the military, or married to someone who is/was" and I said [something like] "ok, I'll join the military" and Momma looks at me like "uh..think again." So then I resolve to just marrying someone who is in the military so I can be buried with them. :) And thus began my search for a man in uniform, only subconsciously though. Consciously, I was just looking for a hunk who could throw a football [I've since altered those ambitions.] :) 

After that came a bunch of junk that doesn't matter. 

Then after Aural Skills I call my mother back because she called me first. Well, she then informs me that I in fact did not get the summer job I was hoping for. Bummer. Oh well, the Lord must have bigger and better things in store for me. So I got on the ball and applied as a lifeguard at another place. I just want to be outside and in the water..that's all, or at least near it. I'm not sure why that's so much to ask. Whatever. I have full faith that the Lord will provide.

After that I went to an advising session so I can schedule classes for next semester. It went well, he wigged me out for a few minutes: He thought I didn't have enough of a certain kind of credit and I was pretty sure I did..then he realized he'd left some out so everything is now hunky dory and I'm scheduled to graduate next Spring! YAY!!

I ate lunch with one of my favorite people!! We had a good conversation. She's been a little down lately, she's just not feeling Bible reading and I told get it. I've been there. Pray for her, please, I know she'd appreciate it.

Then I went with a friend to the art department!! It was SOOO much fun. We did printmaking [I'm not sure of the actual verb to use] I helped her pick out colors!!! And she used both the ones I chose! YAY!! I wish I was a print making major. It was fun!! Kind of confusing, but fun.

Upon arriving back in my room I discovered THERE'S A WASP ON MY BED!!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH calm down calm down, freaking out will get you nowhere and you'll probably lose the little booger. So, after I calmed myself, I grabbed the shoe off my foot and swatted at it, probably 17 times. Once I was positive I'd at least knocked it unconscious, I picked up the pair of shorts it was laying on, went to the sink and scalded that sucker right down the drain!! MUAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA

So, I discovered that it pretty much makes my day when I go to the bathroom on a Thursday afternoon in the dorms and realize I'm the first to use the toilet after it's been cleaned!! It's like being the first to use the toothpaste, or to get a slab of peanut butter. It just warms my heart!

Today, before Zumba, Jennifer and I were benching weights...I benched 70 LBS!!! SHO DID!!! I was pretty pumped. [haha no pun intended] I'm pretty proud of myself. Eventually I'd like to get up to 100. It will probably take a while though. 

I like hip hop. That's the way it is. It always makes me wanna dance. No, Mom, I never do unless it's in the confines of my own room. ;)

I watched "Up" with my neighbor and our friend(s) [another one showed up 3/4 of the way through] I just love that movie. It's so cute. All the characters are just...cute. Well except George Munce. Yuck on him.

Well, that's all.

Commando Snifflehoffer signing off.

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