17 March 2010

I Have Sensitive Thighs

HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!! [the k is silent. ;)]

Today, I wore green so I didn't get pinched...that was nice!!

I started out today like any other  Wednesday would begin: in a mad dash to find just the right shirt to wear with my supa-fly jeans...well I couldn't find the one I wanted so I had to settle for something else sort of similar but not quite...

After that, prayer, breakfast then my lesson. Ah, my lesson...yes..it was good. I didn't practice much because I've been mega congested..and when I did practice..it just wasn't good. Erg. Oh well. The lesson is over now...

THEN I did marching band admin stuff! It was fun. I love writing drill...when I've got the right mindset. It's so hard when I can't think of anything else to put down that will make sense so I have to give up and come back to it later. I've still got 3 or 4 sets to write I think but I can crank those out tomorrow or Friday.

Then I had Music History...meh that's enough about that, then wind ensemble...THEN...I got my test back that I took on Monday. I GOT A B!!!!! YAY! YAY!! YAY!!!

Then I watched Grey's Anatomy with the Emilys [and megan showed up too]. They're entertaining. I've only seen the show like 3 times..well now I'm up to 5.. I guess. Go me. Well, after that I was cleaning out my Spaghettios bowl: So I'm washing it and I think "hm..I need soap" so I reach for the soap and bloop....there goes my spoon...dooooowwwwn the drain... I must mention that I have already dropped TWO toothpaste caps down there this semester...yes, TWO. So I stare at the hole for about 10 seconds thinking "did that really just happen!? GREAT now they're going to fine us because we [well, I] broke the sink...FAAAAN TASTIC." The I see the fork lying next to the sink and I have a BRILLIANT plan. I will use the fork to get the spoon out. Well, it doesn't work at first, mostly because gravity was taking advantage of us but we eventually defied it and rescued Mr. Spoon! YAY!

Then I went to WWW [wednesday word and worship, for those of you who don't know what that stands for] and it was really good. We talked about angels and how they're totally real. He told us to read a book online [it's free] called Angels on Assignment http://www.angelsonassignment.org/. I plan to! :) Then Savannah wanted me to scratch her back...but I'm not good at that...so I did a little then stopped and she whined and asked liz to. Liz obliged.

Tonight, someone there who doesn't usually talk to me all that often came up and told me that I did a great job on my solo the other night and it really meant a lot to me. They went on for a good minute and a half about how good it was and how awesome I am, it really just touched my heart. I'm not really sure how much this person knows about music but it still made me feel really good on the inside.

Then I collected name tags where I saw my friend Molly with a shoe box! I said "hey molly" and gave her a hug then inquired as to what was in the box..and she looked at me like it was a SECRET and said in a low whisper "baby squirrels" and I said "WHAT!?!?!? I WANNA SEE!!" So she took me off to the side and showed me!! They were so cute!! They were only like this _________________________ big! She said they have to be fed every 3 hours and they're less than a week old. PRECIOUS!

Then Savannah took me to Dairy Queen and bought me icecream. She's a good friend, I like her. Even though she wants me to do things I'm not good at..I'll keep her. :) She dropped my friend Jennifer and I off outside our building. That was nice of her. As we were walking up the steps there were people [that make my heart smile] walking down the steps and Jennifer says, [pretty loudly] "I bet you're enjoying this" and I looked at her and said "I'm gonna punch you in the nose!" and almost ran into one! lol...She is so awkward sometimes!

Now I'm sitting here, there is a car alarm going off and someone needs to fix it now.
Today, I was proven right, once again that men are not dependable I don't get it...ugh whatever.

Tomorrow, I have my interview for a summer job that I REALLY want..so please be praying that it goes well!! :) I'm SO excited about it!!!

Alright, I'm gonna be like an atom and split. [thank you bekah for that! :)]
Later tots!


  1. Umm.... ARMYS!!!!

  2. i'm not having a very good hour right now but this made me feel a whole lot better. I love you, sincerely.
