14 March 2010

When Did the Words Frustration and Men Become Synonomous?

*disclaimer: when I say "all" and "none" and other all-inclusive words I don't literally mean the entire population, obviously I realize there are some that don't fit that mold.

This word is the bane of my existence right now.
I feel like all of them [except the ones I'm related to] are out to drive me absolutely insane.
Why? You ask. Well. I'll tell you. I'll try anyway.
I've tried being their friend and do you know what this gets me?
FRUSTRATION like none other! 
I wanna scream [almost] every time I finish a conversation with one.
None of them are dependable and they certainly don't want to make plans because something better may come along and they don't want to hear whining when they change THE PLAN.
And if they happen to actually make plans with you and set something in stone...well you're one lucky duck until something better actually does come along and they don't feel guilty about ditching you because, unlike you, they're not emotionally attached, nor do they realize you're a girl and your brain functions differently [sorry for the run-on]
On that note, women don't realize how harmful it is to us to have friendships with men. Most people think "oh whatever they're just a friend" 
No, it's so much more than that. You as a woman, get more attached than they do. They consider you one of the guys and guys don't think before they act. They don't think about how other guys will feel if they ditch them, or how other guys will feel if they hang out with another guy and don't invite them...
But we, as women [yes, I'm assuming only women are reading this], get our feelings hurt if they ditch us for who knows what else, and not only do we get hurt but we also get mean as a snake if we find out we were ditched for another woman.
I really think we should evaluate the reason for a friendship with a male. Most times our reasons are selfish. They can't offer us anything that a female FRIEND can't...
And if you've been around me at all the past month or 2 you've heard me say "I'm not getting married" and sure I say that, although deep down I really do want to...someday. I say that because every male I've come across in just the past 6 months has let me down in some way. They say they'll do something then a bajillion other things come up and I'm left high and dry [is that the right phrase for that? idk you get the picture though]
But I'm slowly realizing that right now is not the time for me to be focusing on getting some guy to pay attention to me, it's a time to be focusing on my Saviour and finding out what HE wants for my life and letting HIM lead and direct my path.
The fact that I am faithful in following Him and His purpose for my life, will pay off in the end because He will bring someone who was made just for me into my life. 
I don't know when and I don't know how. And honestly, right now I don't care. In fact I don't want to know. 
I know that I need to be content in my singleness and accomplish what He has planned for me right now. 
And in all honesty, I am BEYOND content being single. 
Sure, I have a baby green monster of jealousy deep down inside when I hear of one of my friends getting engaged or having a baby. 
But that monster can be quieted when I remind him that with those things comes a man. A man who can't offer me what Jesus can at this point in my life.
I've said all this in hopes that one of you will realize that relationships at this stage in your life aren't all they're cracked up to be..don't get me wrong, some are. Some are blessed by God and will work out forever. But most aren't. 
Be careful of the friends you have and the company you keep.
"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life" Proverbs 4:23
The devil will trick you into thinking you can be "just friends" with a guy..then when you think you've got it all under control: you can be his friend and have romantic feelings for him at the same time, he'll rip that rug right out from under you and you'll fall flat on your back with a broken heart and an aching tush. This coming from someone with experience.
Ladies, I promise, it's not worth it. 
I'm not saying you can't have male friends. That's not it. 
I'm saying it's not wise to put all your trust in guys, have girl friends..that's what we're here for. Better yet, turn to Jesus. He knows exactly what you're going through and how you feel. He's the best source of joy I know of and He's ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS there to listen to your problems.
Guys don't have your best interest in mind. He does. He will never ever ever take advantage of you or your friendship, He'll always be loyal, He'll never bail on you. 
I promise your life will be SO much easier if you just let HIM be your best friend and don't worry about those stupid boys.

ok...I think the horse is dead, there's no need to continue beating him.


  1. wow. this was a...strong...entry.

  2. Yea..I feel strongly about it. I have a couple friends that just don't get it. And it's just terribly irritating.
