20 January 2011

Blog Blog Bloggity Blog

My week. Well first let's start with an update and get that out of the way. If you haven't read the 2 blogs previous to this one, do it now or the beginning of this one won't make any sense.

Beau hasn't called. I think it's because of 1 of the following reasons:

1. He never got the paper, someone else--like the girl from the front--picked it up.
2. He threw it away.
3. He has a girlfriend.
4. He didn't want my number to begin with, he was just friendly...just like I told my mother and Jennifer.
5. He's playing that "don't be too eager and wait a few days before you call" game. If that's the case..GAME OVER. It's been 3 days. I think that's plenty of time.

Jennifer is probably thinking "so what if 1-4 happened..you'll never see him again." To me that doesn't matter. If 4 was the case I'm gonna be the butt of a joke for a long time..whether I know it or not. 
To me, it feels like rejection whether it was or not, or even if he didn't get it. I don't know for sure what's going on, I probably never will but that's what it feels like to me.
So for me "put yourself out there"=rejection. Every time. That's the way it works in this house.
So I'll stick to keeping myself in here.

Ok..moving on. 

My windshield wipers broke.
I left my rainboots at home.
It rained on my way back to school.

Textbook fiasco
Tried to study for the Navy
My Grandpa had a heart attack. [he's fine now but it was scary, and in some ways is still scary]
Fire Drill right as I was getting to sleep.

Failed at getting my recital stuff dealt with
Auditioned-this was the most dramatic audition ever. People were being completely selfish and idiotic. Luckily, everyone got what they deserved in the end.

Yes, all of that is bad stuff. That's all I could focus on. It just kept coming and coming and coming.
Today was grand. Nothing especially good happened..but not one bad thing occurred which made a world of difference. 
God is good all the time. No matter what. 
I love my family. I especially love getting encouraging emails from my dad..and my sister actually. Mom, where were you!?! lol jk. I talked to you on the phone so it's all good.
I'm thankful to have good friends.
Even if they make me crazy sometimes, I know they love me. 

Well, I'm afraid I'm not very interesting tonight. I need something big and exciting to happen so I can tell you all about it! I'll be spending 3 hours in the library tomorrow so something is bound to happen! :)

Until next time..:)

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