31 January 2011

I Sho Iz Hungray.

I feel like this blog will ramble. Just a heads up. :)

Everybody has different talents. Not everyone can do the same things. I certainly can't do gymnastics, no matter how hard I try but some people can. I can't fly a plane [YET!!!] but some people can. I can't make myself invisble, unfortunately. And I don't personally know anyone who can...
I think there's one thing I'm REALLY good at though: laughing
I'm good at laughing at myself, at other people, at my own jokes, at other people's jokes. And the general consensus seems to be that I'm good at making other people laugh. I honestly don't try most of the time..I think that my filter doesn't always catch everything so what I'm thinking just shoots right out of my mouth..sometimes that ends badly. 

Laughter is good for the soul. I think someone that can't laugh at themselves is just a sad person. You know the type, takes themselves [is that a word and am I using it in the right tense..?] too seriously, rarely cracks a smile. I don't understand those people. Life's too short not to laugh.
Sometimes I laugh at "inappropriate" times..apparently when you mess up in wind ensemble you shouldn't laugh...according to the trombone players. Whatev. They ain't my mommy. 
Sometimes I laugh during prayer. That's not always wise either...
My former best friend and I used to laugh during special music at church..I know that was an inappropriate time but sometimes we just couldn't help it.
Most of my day consists of laughter. I love it. I just love it. I love being around people who will let me into their world. Who will let me catch a glimpse of what they're like when they "let their hair loose." It's like they trust me with a small part of them that no one else knows about.
I love it.
It takes a special kind of person to make me laugh. I'm not saying I'm a Serious Sandy but I can tell when people are genuinely funny or they're just putting on a show. People that put on a show just bug the guts out of me and I won't stand for it. I usually look at them like they're irritating...because they usually are.
I'm not saying I don't like you if you're not funny. lol. I like plenty of non-funny people. I feel like I share a bond with someone when they make me laugh. 

One of my fears is that I'll lose my sense of humor, my wit and personality when I join the Navy. I don't want to become some hard-nosed robot officer. I want to be funny. I want people to like me for my personality. Am I making sense? Hello? Is anyone there?
I just don't want to be the typical Navy woman...I'm not sure what that is but I imagine her in my mind and I just don't think I'd like to be around her. I want to be exactly who I am now just with better leadership qualities [which is something else I was going to talk about], a pilot's license and an officer position. Is that acceptable?

I was just thinking about this in the bathroom...again..where I do all my great thinking...
Some people are natural leaders. That's just the way it is. Those people get on my nerves sometimes. They feel like they need to push everyone in a direction that everyone may not want to go. They take initiative and make followers look bad [shame on you!] they want everyone to think like they do, and they usually crave attention.
Obviously, I'm being quite general here...not ALL natural born leaders are like this.

Then there are followers.
These kind of people also get on my nerves. They look lazy, mostly because they aren't taking initiative. They're indecisive. [I know I can be indecisive too sometimes but not about things that count, usually]. They go with the flow and let people boss them around.
Again, I'm being general.

THEN you have the leadowers. [I just made that word up. :)]
I would put myself in this group. I have leadership potential that I can bust out at any moment..but only when I feel like it. I can be pushy when I know my way is the right way but I'll also let someone tell me they're way is the right way [this is a different situation than the one where my way is right] and let them lead me. I like these sorts of people the best. They're the most pleasant usually. 

That was a pointless conversation I just wrote at you...maybe it got your wheels spinning. What kind of person are you?

I love my roommate. I can't express to you how much. She leaves the room to wash her face because her facewash smells like bananas [yea..weird I know] and she knows I don't like bananas. Who else on this planet do you know that would do that...? I don't know many. 
Today we were walking to prayer via the dining hall. Right outside there were armies running past. One of them waved at me [I know him, unfortunately he's married though. BOOOO but they're cute so I don't mind] and I knew several others. So I told her that. And she said "You're so cool...you know ARMIES" haha. I love that. 
She gets me. she doesn't talk a whole lot [I talk enough for the both of us] but I like to think I get her too. I'm so thankful that the Lord blessed me with her. She's been amazing and I wouldn't trade the past 2.5 years for anything in the world! :)

It's about time for me to hit the hay. Fortunately that statement is only figurative..I'll really be plopping on a mattress that's nice and cushy and far from pokey. I wish I could ramble on and on about my life and let you in on everything I'm thinking but my brain is shutting down and crying for me to stop thinking. 
Gooooodnight, all. :)

1 comment:

  1. This was good. Some insightful thoughts here. Yes, I got you (babe). Ha ha. I started thinking about the end of the semester when we'll only have so many days till we stop living together.... okay... not gonna think about it again. But I love you SO MUCH.
