16 September 2012


I can't believe it's been almost a year since I've written. SO MUCH has happened. Goodness gracious.
Right now I'm in Pensacola waiting to learn about my job IN THE NAVY!!! :)

Goodness..I'll try my best to catch you up and not make it too boring!

So I'll just start from December where I left off. My best friend left that month for France. She will be there for a year being a nanny for a missionary couple. She's awesome. I miss her very much. Around the time she left I started thinking about how long it would be before I saw her again. My conclusion: A LONG TIME. So I began saving money to go visit her before I left for boot camp. 

Since she didn't get to say a proper goodbye to her older brother, I had the bright idea to drag him along as a surprise! It was AMAZING!! We had such a good time. Some highlights of the trip are at the end of this post. To see the whole album of France pictures, click HERE. You won't regret looking at the whole album :)

She was surprised. A LOT surprised. It was so awesome! The fact that her birthday was during our trip made it even better! View the video HERE

Several people got married. 

I worked some more as a valet. I'll post pictures of some of the coolest cars I drove at the end too.
 Rebecca and I went to visit our friend Andrea and her husband. We visited Florida while with them. That was FUN!

We went on a family vacation! It was a lot of fun!! We went to King's Island, Shipshewana Indiana, Shaker Village..I think that's all. It's been so long. You should be able to see my mom's album HERE as long as she doesn't have it set to private.

Then on Friday June 1, I had my annual check up at the OBGYN. While there, she found a lump in my right breast. Oh, I should tell you that June 6 is my ship date for boot camp at this point. So she wanted me to go have it checked out. Unfortunately I couldn't get that done until Monday. So I was fretting over this thing in my body all weekend. My poor friend Ali went with me on Friday because we were going shopping afterward. So she had to deal with all my emotions. At that point I didn't even care what it was. I just wanted to be in the Navy. 
Saturday one of my good friends got married. That evening we had my going away party! It was SO much fun!! :) (pictures at the end) Click HERE for the whole party album.
So the following Monday I went to the place to get whatever..an x-ray or something, I'm not sure. They decided it's nothing to worry about-just a fibrous mass. Awesome. But I needed to have a check up in 6 months to make sure it didn't develop or something. Had that part not been printed on my medical record, the drama would have ended there. But that would have been entirely too easy. I had to tell my chief (my recruiter's boss's boss) about this whole ordeal. I called her as soon as I found out about the mass and told her I had an appointment on Monday. She wanted me to call her when I got the results. So I did. I had to take the paperwork over there. So I did. Well, because he put I would need a check up, they thought it would be a problem. Awesome. So they sent it to the processing station to see what would happen. So on Tuesday, I went to my recruiter's office to get ready to leave (before you go to boot camp, they take you to a hotel and make you stay there before you go to the processing station at the butt crack of dawn the next morning). I was sitting there and he told me I wasn't going to leave the following day. Ok, so I called my friend and told her I would need a ride home. I had to wait there until she was off work. As I'm sitting there, they found out I could leave. I called her back and told her I was leaving. So they took me to the hotel. The next morning I got to MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station) around like 6 or 7. Since I was going straight to boot camp that day, I was one of the first to be seen. Well. The doctor there said I couldn't go because of that little note. The Navy assumed that meant I had to see that specific doctor again in 6 months and they aren't about to take me from wherever I would be in October to send me back home for a check up. So I would just have to wait to go to boot camp. The doctor knew there was nothing wrong with me. He saw the results. But his hands were tied because of that one sentence. So I had to take my paperwork to the career office and have them do something with it. The guy in there was SUPER nice and he was completely beside himself that they were doing this to me. So he called up headquarters and asked them if we could get a waiver. So he sent in the paperwork. I sat outside of that office crying on and off for 3 hours straight. It was one of the most stressful times of my life. I just wanted to be in the Navy. That's all. My family and friends showed up to see me sworn in. At that point I still didn't know for sure if I was going or not. I looked terrible. My nose had been running, my eyes were red. I was gross. Then at the very last minute-literally, the guy came out and said "You're going!" So I had to do what everyone else had taken 3 hours to do in 15 minutes. It was crazy! I got sworn in, talked with the fam for a little while. (Pictures at the bottom) Boarded a bus and left for the airport. That night I arrived at Great Lakes Recruit Training Command. 

Boot camp wasn't as bad as everyone makes it out to seem. I wish it had been harder. It didn't challenge me all that much physically. Not as much as I had expected it to anyway. It was more academically focused than I thought it would be. I really enjoyed it. Somedays I wish I was back there because I liked it so much.

I graduated on August 3. And guess who was there! That's right, my best friend! She came with my family!! I was so glad she got to come! I missed her desperately. (pictures below)

Two days later I left for Pensacola. Nothing all that exciting has happened since I've been here. I've just been waiting around to go to class. It's different here from other A-Schools. They seem to go to class almost immediately. Here, certain jobs have to wait longer because the needs are different. I don't know, it's weird and I don't completely understand it. I went to an intro class for 8 days (which included FIVE MARINES!!!!) and now I'm waiting to go to real class. Oh, I did learn what I'll be doing as an aircraft mechanic. I work with safety equipment which translates to EJECTION SEATS! Holy canoli. That's pretty awesome. My job requires perfection. If I mess up, someone dies. Goodness gracious. I'm excited to start learning about it!! 

I lied. We've been evacuated since I got here. Thank you, Isaac. It was quite an adventure, that's for sure. We went to Georgia. Before we were even halfway there, the tropical storm had already passed Pensacola and hadn't caused any damage. But we still had to continue on and stay there 3 days. It was...interesting.
That's about it for now..If I left something totally awesome out, I apologizes profusely.

Yes. That's PURPLE.
Standard Transmission. Sigh. :)

I didn't drive this one either.
It was for a wedding.

I didn't drive this one. I wish I could have.
It's a Maybach. 

It has eyelashes!

I was pretty disappointed that this
was an automatic!
a miata!
Yes. That's a Porsche. :)
Trip to Florida!
I made this hair! :)
Last wedding before I left.

ali pants
Awe Parker Wayne
Best best friends

Brooke! She got married!


After crying all day...
I've been sworn in!
Love him!
They got married while I was at boot camp!


Top left: Carissa and Kyle at a Parisian cafe!, Kyle with Vivi
and Adelin (she called him Taco and it was adorable!)
On Carissa's birthday with Vivi, Carissa and I on the train
on our way back from Paris, us again at some point..
Top Left: Kyle and I in front of Napoleon's Armory,
the three of us in front of the Eiffel Tower,
Kyle and I not sure about these bikes.., Carissa and
Viv-the birthday girl with her favorite present, Kyle
impressing us with his musical inabilities :)

Carissa and I at the Arc D'Triumph, Kyle Vivi and I on her
birthday, Carissa and I on the subway in Paris acting goofy,
Kyle and the statues at the Louvre-SO funny, the girls with
newly painted nails!

Kyle and Vivi on her birthday, (the best photo I've ever taken),
The girls on Carissa's birthday!, at the Louvre...we're really good
at taking awkward photos! haha, me in front of the Notre Dame!


first time in civies in 2.5 months!
graduated :)

for more photos from graduation weekend:

22 November 2011

Bands For Arms, Yo.

I was catching up on my blog reading when I came to one of my favorites (The Journey Of A Navy Wife). Unfortunately she doesn't post as often as I would like for her to, but I understand life happens. :) She has been such an encouragement to me the past couple of years and I can't even begin to thank her for it! She has such a love for her country and those who fight for her freedom. It just makes my heart smile!

She is doing a giveaway! One of the ways to enter is to blog about the giveaway and tell her why I like the organization whose product she's giving away. To be honest, I'd never heard of it before and I'm very sad to admit that. It's such a cool thing they're doing! It's called Bands For Arms (click that and it will take you to their facebook page. You can visit their store here or go here to read more about them than what I will tell you). They use donated military uniforms to make bracelets. It's so neat. We all know what a softy I am, I barely made it through their whole product line before tearing up. A couple of them got me right in the heart. They donate a portion of their sales to help service members stay in contact with their family members. AND they tell you about the person whose uniform was used to make your bracelet. I think that's probably the coolest part!! The bracelet she is giving away is made from a WWII NAVY (!!!!!!!) uniform! It's called "The Pearl Harbor" Really, I want them all. I, of course, can't wear them all at once but...sigh...they just make my heart smile.

Aaaaand it gets better....the owner has a branch off or Bands for Arms called His Arms For Arms (click it). This organization is committed solely to getting the Word of God to our service members. To let them know that He is their Shield and Protector. And to know they always have a Friend in Him. Does it get any better than that? I mean, really, does it?

Check them out, for real. It's such a cool organization!
That's all I've got! I hope you go have a look-see. It blessed my heart, that's for sure!

10 November 2011

Veteran's Day

Today is my favorite holiday. Read why HERE (it will open in a new window [I hope], so go ahead, CLICK IT!)
No, I'm serious. I just love it so much.
It always brings joy to my heart!

I usually make a t-shirt but decided not to this year.(mostly because every time I make a t-shirt it gets ruined in some fashion!).So this year I am posting pictures of real life and blog life friends with their [and some of my] loved ones. I love, or have come to love all of these women. Some of them I've never met before but hope to someday, and some of them I see on a regular basis. :)

The only thing I really have to say is that I'm so thankful for all men and women fighting, and who have fought for my freedom. And I'm proud to say that in less 7 months, I will be joining their ranks. I can't wait..I am BEYOND excited! :)

Enjoy! :)





Unfortunately, I know no one in the Coast Guard.

*All photos used with permission. Thank you to all of you ladies who let me borrow your memories. I'm so grateful for you and your men! Have a blessed day. :)

Lovely ladies who let me borrow their military love:

21 October 2011


I feel like I should make it bloggily official.

As of October 18, 2011 at 2:15 pm:
I am now in the United States Navy
Yes! Finally. 
Is really all I can say...

The process was loooooooooong and boring, but not as bad as everyone made it out to be. 

Thank the Lord:
I got the job I wanted & I get to leave when I want! 
Hallelujah! :)

I am an Aviation Mechanic and I will be leaving June 6 for boot camp. 
Then I have 5 weeks of A-School in Pensacola. 
     -try not to be too jealous. :)

I am considered Inactive until I swear in again on June 6!

That's all. :)

30 September 2011

Rats,Cats and Baseball Bats.

[I didn't realize I'm so creative I used similar blog titles for the last 2 blogs. So I changed it. hahaha]
I've been busy. Yes. Busy as a bee.
I'm sorry to say that blogging has fallen just under doing laundry on my priority list. 
I will try to do better. This blog will be a little sporadic [random is an overused word]. 
Mostly just essential thoughts you should know.

I think we often do things out of habit..not necessarily because we want to, or actually enjoy them. I'm finding this out in my own life.

I read a quote online a while back, it said: the word testify derived from a time when men were required to swear on their testicles. THAT. IS. HILARIOUS. to me. I'm sorry if it offends you. And I have no idea if that is true or not.

I also read one on a poster:
Imagination is more important than knowledge...knowledge is limited, but imagination encircles the world. To see with one's own eyes to feel and judge without succumbing to the suggestive power of the fashion of the day, to be able to express what one has seen and felt in a trim sentence or even in a cunningly wrought world...is that not glorious? When I examine myself and my methods of thought. I come to the conclusion that the gift of imagination has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing absolute knowledge.
-Albert Einstein
Right on, Albert. Right on.

Some people just don't get it. They just don't.

My work schedule is whack..usually when I'm not working, I'm sleeping. :)
Working! Ah! Did I tell I have a new job? Well I do.

I'm a valet in downtown Nashville. Go ahead, be jealous. It's awesome. I love it a lot. 
There are some things you should know about being a valet, and I will tell you them.
1. Unless you want to get lost in Vanderbilt University, NEVER, I repeat NEVER turn on 24th Ave. Ever. Confusion will ensue. That's a promise
2. I have short legs. This is a fact. Most of the rest of the world [or maybe just the people who stay at my hotel] has astronomically long legs. Seats must be adjusted accordingly...quite often.
3. Being a valet gives you the privilege of driving AWESOME cars. Seriously. I can't tell you how many Escalades I've driven. Not because it's confidential but because I don't know. I've driven 3 Jaguars [HOLLA!!!] and lots of other fun things. My friends at other hotels tell me that if I work at a certain hotel on certain days of the year, I can meet visiting football teams! SCORE! :)
4. I drive a shuttle too. It goes within a 3 mile radius of the hotel. It's so fun! I get to meet all kinds of interesting people! I think the coolest person [well, really irony, I guess] I drove was a girl from Chicago who had been to the bike shop I worked at! Cool!? I think you mean AAAAAAAAAAWESOOOOME!
5. Standing is required. Unless you're my friend Shawn who breaks the rules. It's not always fun. But sometimes it's ok. 
6. The first weekend I worked, a guy I trained with didn't show up for his shift so I worked from 3pm Saturday to 3am Sunday. Yea...that was interesting.
7. Drunk people. They are few and far between [because my hotel is farther away from the bars] but they are always interesting when they happen upon you. During the 12 hour shift mentioned above, I encountered 4 of them. One called me sir. Yea. I'm not entirely sure how I was mistaken for a male but whatev...and the other 3 invited me to come hang out with them when I got off work...AT 3 IN THE MORNING. No thanks guys, I think I'll sleep instead.
8. Shoulder pads. I'm almost convinced these were the cause of the gender confusion. I can't prove it. But I must admit I do not look cute in those blasted things. Not. At. All. 
9. The tips are AWESOME. Well, if you're not a boy who cares only about money, they're awesome. Other wise, apparently they stink.. I seem to be one of like 3 people who don't complain about the pay. Honestly, I'm just glad to have any job at all.

It's only my 5th Friday. I'm sure I'll have more interesting tidbits to come.

I will be giving oboe lessons to a 7th grader. That will be fun. I hope she likes me.

I have some fun new pictures on my fun new phone that I want to share with you. I want them all: 
1 Peter 4:8-Above all, love each
other deeply, because love covers
over a multitude of sins.

This is should be Bertha's boyfriend.
He's beautiful and I'd love to have him.

If I can't have Bucky Blue I'll settle for
Gomer Grey. He's even cooler than Bucky.
So cool he couldn't fit in the whole picture.

I have more to say. But I will save it for later. Just know that it's all FABULOUS. :) hehe.
You're probably still wondering what the title of this blog has to do with anything in it..well I'll tell you: absolutely NOTHING! muahahahaah and I can do that because it's MINE! :)

27 August 2011

Let's Ketchup! :)

I've been meaning to write this post for weeks. Yes, weeks. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. It's kind of boring, not gonna lie.

Ok. So the last thing I left you with was my test and the days preceding it. 
I took the test on Friday August 5. The earliest I was supposed to receive my results was supposed to be a week from the following Monday. Well hot dog they arrived 4 days later on Tuesday.
I got a decent score, but not high enough to wait around for the boards to open up again. At this point, I was still in Chicago and decided that I'd enlist when I returned home.

The next weekend, my best best friend Megan came up. We had a Mafia Weekend! It was so rad! We watched Goodfellas and Donnie Brasco on Friday. Then went to a minor league baseball game that night. After the game we tried to watch The Godfather but fell asleep. I fell asleep anyway, I'm not sure if she did or not. Then Saturday we took a "gangster tour" of the city. Can you say "AH-MAZING!"? I can. It was soooo fun. Just incredible. If you're into that kind of thing, you can view the information on it here. I recommend it for sure. For lunch we went to Sprinkles. It's a cupcake place. Oh my lanta. I had the best cupcake I've ever eaten in my life. SO good. Check them out. Then on Saturday night we went to Tommy Guns. I kid you not when I say the level of fun I had here rivaled that of Disney World. Seriously. It was obviously a different kind of fun. But oh goodness. SO fun. Here's a picture! :) :)

He was our favorite. His voice was so beautiful. Oh goodness.  He was funny. Just go. Ok?
Then I took her to the airport Sunday morning and said goodbye. :(
There's MUCH more to this story, I'm giving you the abbreviated version, otherwise this post will be far too long.

Then I left Chicago shortly after.
Now I'm back home in good ol' TN.

This past Thursday I had a job interview to valet park downtown. WOOHOO. After having vehicle problems and arriving 7 minutes late to the group interview, I was still offered a job. Praise the Lord. Seriously. 
I had to get a drug test done and I'll know within a week if I'm hired for real or not.

After that, I went to the Navy Recruiting Station. WOOOOOHOOOO!!!! I told the [only] recruiter [there] that joining the Navy is what I want to do. I don't have any 2nd thoughts. So let's get this ball rolling. Unfortunately it took more words than that because we weren't on the same page for a while. I'm not sure what was so confusing but neither of us were understanding the other. 
He asked me if I had ever thought about nuclear engineering. I told him I didn't know what that was. He explained it to me...I still don't really know what it entails. Then another recruiter walked in and asked me the same thing. I said "Are you guys short on nuclear engineers or something?" the 2nd recruiter nodded his head and the 1st said "no, I'm just trying to get you more money" Apparently when you re-enlist, they give you an $80,000 signing bonus because they know you could leave the Navy and easily make 6 figures. This all sounds very appealing but I don't know that I'd even been good at it. 
So, pray for guidance in that area. I've still got a while before it comes time for me to be choosing a job. I don't want to give up on my flying dream. Not at all. But there seems to be security in nuclear engineering. Even the woman I dogsit for brought it up that evening. So..yea. Guidance and wisdom would be fabulous.
So the 1st recruiter (who isn't MY recruiter, because mine wasn't there, he just took my info for him) made me take a practice ASVAB test. 
I haven't taken a test that easy since high school. It was almost a joke. I got an 89 out of 99. I'm supposed to take the real ASVAB on Monday. My real recruiter was also supposed to call me today (well, yesterday now) and talk to me about it...and he didn't. I'll probably call down there on Monday morning to get the skinny.
So. I take the ASVAB. I meet with someone to get a job. I tell them when I want to leave for boot camp. I get physicals and stuff done. Then I leave. WOOHOO. 
I hope it's that easy anyway. Sheesh.

Tonight I went back to my high school for a football game. 
There's one man [over 25] on this planet who can make my bones turn to jell-o.
He's the head coach of the football team. 
I'll be grinning for at least a week. Count on it.

Now, you're officially caught up.
Stay tuned for more details on our Mafia Weekend. 
I just need to find the time and figure out the pictures I want to use. I also don't want to give TOO much away or there will be no sense in you doing the tour for yourself! :)

05 August 2011

Navy Test [not] Results

I already posted this on facebook, so if you read it there, don't feel the need to read it again. If you weren't tagged on facebook, that means I told you over the phone or we're not friends :(. 

I thought this would be easier than posting a status and hoping everyone who is curious (or I who I just wanted to tell) would see it.

I'll preface this with a recap of the last 2 days so you can get a feel for the week I've had. Yesterday (Thursday) I woke up bawling my eyes out. I'd just had a dream that I failed my test by one point. Everything sort of went downhill from there. Nothing too major happened at work. I was supposed to leave at 1, then it got pushed back to 2 then 230. I left work at 230 so I could go home and get some last minute studying done for my test today (Friday). 
I wasn't even a mile from home when I was rearended...for the first time in my whole life. It was the strangest thing I've ever experienced. I really didn't know what had happened. I was sitting, waiting for the red light to turn green. It turned, I let my foot off the brake (I don't think I even hit the gas pedal) and all of the sudden I was being jerked around. I had a million thoughts racing through my mind. The most prominent were "I'm not driving a stick shift...why is this thing jumping around!?!" and "Oh! I don't want to have whiplash!" It didn't register in my head what had happened until I was [sort of] driving away and I looked in my rearview mirror. I saw the guy behind me and realized HE HIT ME! Then I had to hold myself together. I pulled over to the side of the road and started looking for my phone. It had been tossed around during the jostle and I couldn't find it. As I said I'd never been in an accident before, so I had no idea what to do. I just knew I needed to call someone. So I was on the verge of tears, my hands were shaking and I couldn't find my phone. Several people driving by stopped and asked if I was ok, if I needed to go to the hospital and whatnot. I told them that I was fine, nothing was broken. I found my phone and tried to call my uncle, to whom the truck belongs. I called every number I knew and couldn't get a hold of him. Finally I found a number for the bike shop in the truck and called there. He was very calm about the whole thing. And told me exactly what I needed to do.
The guy that hit me had OnStar so the police were notified immediately. We traded information and right when we finished the police arrived. He kept apologizing. He was very sorry. I felt bad for him.
He had to have been doing at the very least 20 mph..probably more than that. He completely mashed in the bumper of the truck I was driving, broke the tailight and damaged the door and bed of the truck. My aunt and uncle think the frame is bent. His truck was mashed up pretty good too. He was fine, neither of us were hurt. I'm feeling a little tightness in my neck today but I don't think it's anything to worry about. His was also a company truck so it shouldn't be a problem having the insurance pay for the damage (that's what I'm told anyway). 
I come home and veg out...I didn't do any studying..of course. Well, I did a little right before bed but that's all. My uncle, who does NOT like Taco Bell, suggested we have it for dinner because he knows it's my favorite!! How nice of him! So my aunt and I picked it up. I got a Raspberry Tea..that I was REALLY excited about! We got home, I took MAYBE 3 sips of it and I spilled it...everywhere. ALL of it...GONE. Ugh. I was upset.

Fast forward to this morning. My test was scheduled for 10am. It was supposed to take me one hour and 42 minutes to get to the GREAT LAKES NAVAL TRAINING FACILITY (!!!!!!!!!!!!) so I left at 7 to leave room for traffic, construction and getting lost time. I arrived in the town at EIGHT THIRTY!! BAH! So I found a gas station and sat there until 915. I still got there 30 minutes early but that's not AS bad..

I went in and the security guard checked my info. As I was waiting to be escorted to my area, a woman came down and was talking loudly to the man standing next to me who was also waiting to be escorted. In the meantime, a man came up next to me and asked if I was there to take the test. I answered with an affirmative. He was the man I was supposed to meet. YAHOO. At this point, the woman stops her loud talking and says "Oh, our computers are down" This is directed to the test man and myself. And I say, under my breath "of course they are!" So he asks me if I mind taking the paper version. I told him I didn't mind. We mosied up to his office where I filled out my test form and found pencils with good erasers. He started talking about the computers and how the files were there yesterday and then they all of the sudden got deleted yesterday afternoon, and how the AC was out. And I said "ya know, I should have expected something like this to happen with the week I've had" and I told him about being rearended and some other things. He had pity on me lol. He informed me that it would take much longer to receive my scores with the written version than the computer version. I figured well, it could take just as long for the computers to get fixed, so I might as well just go ahead and take it, I'm already there.

So he found me a nice cooooooooool room to test in. I took the first half of the test. Then I had a 15 minute break. During that break we talked about the Navy. He told me all sorts of things. Including this fact that my recruiter failed to tell me: they've shut down all boards. No one is meeting to select officer candidates EXCEPT pilots. I thought "SWEET!" until he told me the next part. The meeting is August 11. The packets were due 2 weeks ago. I want to yell "ARE YOU FLIPPIN KIDDING ME!?!?!" but instead I said "Oh really? huh. My recruiter told me that they were meeting in September" and he said "well they were, then it got moved" and I said "oh. Well he didn't tell me that..." and he asked what field I wanted to go into and I said "I want to be a pilot." And he said "Oh."....YEA. He said that this occurred about 15 years ago too, where no one is leaving so there's no room for anyone to get in. No one knows how long it will last, it's just a waiting game. Last time, they called up all the recruiting offices and told them to contact everyone who qualified for selection and tell them if they could be ready in 2 weeks to go to OCS they were in. That could happen this time...no one knows. 
We then talked about my other options. I asked what he'd do in my position. He'd originally wanted to be in the band..so he told me to go for that. I told him that option was out! lol. He said that if he were me and this score turned out to be not as high as it needed to be, then he'd just enlist, work in an aviation field and take it again in a year or so. I've been thinking about this option  for a while. Buuuut the other thing..if my score IS high enough...I could be waiting around for a long time. I don't want to throw out that opportunity because I got impatient. Ya know? So I guess we'll just have to see what happens.
Then I took the rest of my test.
He has to send my test off to be scored. They only grade on Mondays and Wednesdays and they have to be in that office 2 days ahead of time. So even if he'd gotten it out today, it wouldn't have arrived in time to be graded on Monday. Then if he didn't get it out today it wouldn't get there in time to be graded on Wednesday. So it could be a week from Monday before it's graded. Bummer. But, the good thing is it's over and there's nothing I can do about it now. 

My feelings about the test: I think I did a lot better than last time. I know that I knew postively a lot more. Like, I knew "YES, this answer IS correct" instead of "eh, I'm not really sure, but this one sounds the most familiar" There was one section that I was much more familiar with this time so I think I did a much better job on it. The only downside was that they haven't used the written format in several years so it's kind of outdated. Several of the questions weren't in the study material I was given so I had no idea at all what the answers were. I did my best at guessing.
That's the key: I did my best. If my best wasn't good enough, well then, I'll do it again in a couple of years. And that will be that. 

Aside: My aunt and I went to see Captain America. From the concessions, I wanted a Red Freezze drink,a pretzel and Swedish Fish. The Red drink was out. So I asked for blue. The Blue drink was out. So I got just regular Pepsi Freezze instead. I know, they're just little things that could have been TONS worse, but seriously!? There's one day left to this week. One day. I can make it! Ps. Captain America was good.

When I get my scores I'll probably just post it on my status. We'll see. If you'd like another note, just holla and I'll accommodate! :)