26 February 2011

My Life Has Been Made

This weekend has been almost TOO interesting but I wouldn't trade it for anything! :)

I'll start from not the best and go to MOST AMAZING.

Honor band children arrived. About 500 high school students. AAAAHHHHH!!!!
As if that's enough, we had tornado sirens go off during a concert. We had to take EVERYONE from one building to the other and shove them all into the guts of an auditorium. The basement of this place was built to hold probably only about 200....yea. Fuuun.
I saved the colonel's life. Well..ok that's an exaggeration...but I was holding the door open that he walked through to get to the basement..if my door hadn't been opened, he would have had to walk further down the way and would have risked his life!
We get the all-clear. We continue with the concert.
Eventually we have about a 30 minute rehearsal where I meet the Colonel officially.
I love him right off the bat.
I get back to my room at about 1030 after having been out of it since 700 am...

I arrive at Fine Arts around 730.
Children rehearse. I observe.
I don't really get to talk to the Colonel very much. Just the usual "We need an extra copy of such and such" Stuff like that. :)
Then Friday night....I get in my truck to go to my friends' house. I get in, put my bag in the passenger seat. I look over and my glove box is open and completely empty. I am really confused, I look around and see the stuff that was in it is now in between the seats almost on the floor. I don't really understand what's going on. I glance up and the face of my radio is gone. I call my mom to tell her that my truck was broken into..when in all actuality, my doors were unlocked so there was no breaking. As I'm telling her I see that my radio is laying on my dashboard and the floorboard is wet. She tells me I need to report it to the police. So I do...ugh. I realized as I was driving out of the parking lot that you could see the ring from my gps holder on the windshield. I figured that's probably what they were looking for. I couldn't find anything that they could have taken...if they took something it was probably a cd that I've got on my computer...no big deal.
I don't understand why people can't just mind their own business and leave everyone else's stuff alone. Geez. It probably irritated me most that they just made a mess and didn't even bother taking something.

I've been wanting to talk to the Colonel all weekend but when we've had breaks he's been busy marking stuff or talking to students. I haven't wanted to bother him. Well I finally got to talk to him today!! [I've known this since Thursday but..] He's one of the nicest people I've ever met in my entire life. Oh my goodness. SO nice. And he was so good with the kids. He never got angry or raised his voice. Just genuinely nice which made me like him even more! I got to talk to him about the military and stuff. I told him that he's the coolest person I'll EVER meet. Wanna know why? Well I'll tell you.
Between the military [which is the coolest thing eeeeeeeverrrr] and music [which has been my life for 16 years now] he's it. He's the epitome of everything. EVERYTHING. He's the conductor of THE PRESIDENT'S OWN MARINE BAND!!!! So I told him that and he said "Oh I'm sure you'll meet some cooler people" I insisted that this would most certainly not happen! lol. We talked some more and I asked if I could get a picture with him later when he put his uniform on for the concert. He said "of course!" I talked to him a little more after that. Man. He's so nice.
Wanna see the picture? OF course you do! :)
This picture made my life. Forever. I don't need to even be in the same wedding as the football player [this is from a previous blog...click here to read it]..I might not even need to get married...lol. I can't imagine many things being cooler than this moment. 
My wind ensemble conductor said "Oh, someone's facebook profile picture is going get to get changed!" And I said "FOREVER!!!" lol. This just means so much to me. I can't even explain it to you. Imagine the coolest person you can, like your favorite band or actor. Imagine them coming to your house and hanging out with you for 2.5 days. Now, he didn't come to my house but I hope you can imagine my excitement. I am still about to pee my pants over it and he's probably halfway back [or further] to his home by now! :)
He's just sooooo nice! He told me lots of facts about the Marine Band. Man he's so cool! I wish we could be best friends! :)

I'm now watching My Best Friend's Wedding with 2 of my best friends! :) 
Interesting weekend, right? 

23 February 2011

Warning: Hot Steam Will Flow From This Vent.

Today sucked. If you know me, you know I don't say that word. I just don't, I hate the way it sounds. So when I say it, I mean it. It was bad. It wasn't anything compared to some of the worst things I've ever gone through but considering that the past few weeks have been awesome...it sucked royally.
I guess I should you worn you all that this is going to be sort of whiny and filled with..anger?...irritation..frustration..take your pick after reading. I'm sorry it's that way but I don't know how else to get it off my chest. Talking about it makes me cry, then I can't talk and it gets me even more frustrated. Ok.

My lesson this morning was AWFUL. I couldn't comprehend the notes on the page. It was just bad. And I can't afford to have lessons like that..especially with my hearing for my recital being 3 weeks from tomorrow. Yea..

Ok. I just want to preface this with the statement: I am not a hateful person. I love people, doing things for them, making them happy. Ok..so we've been in school now for almost 6 full weeks. SIX. Last Wednesday in one of my classes, this girl decides to sit in my seat. MY SEAT. I've sat in this seat since August [I had the 1st part of this class in the same classroom last semester, with the same teacher. He even remarked on the 1st day of class this semester that I was sitting in the same seat...]. I'm a creature of habit. When I'm thrown off my habit horse, my world is turned upside down. I can't concentrate..all I can think about is the fact that someone has messed me up. So last Wednesday, I'm pretty upset that I have to sit in a different seat. I think "this BETTER NOT happen again."
So I get to class on Friday, she sits in her seat, I sit in mine. Everyone is happy. Oh, I should also tell you that I sit in the 3rd column in the last seat in the back, she sits in the 1st column around the middle..so it's not like she just forgot where she sits..it's a good 15 ft away..she deliberately chose another seat. Also, I should add that there are PLENTY of other EMPTY seats all over the room.
Monday, I barely get into class before she does, I go to my seat, I guess I throw her off guard...idk..I mean, it is MY seat. She moves to the next row and looks at ME like I'm sitting in her seat...ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW!?!?
THEN TODAY. I get to class almost late because Wind Ensemble didn't let out in time..I walk into class and she's in my seat AGAIN! What kind of crap is this!?!? Like for real. I don't understand. Why would she do this!? I know she's a pretty nice person. I've talked to her in previous classes so I don't think she's trying to be vindictive...but I just can't figure out what else could possibly be going on. I mean she knows  it's my seat..I've been sitting there for A WHILE...and I'm visibly upset that she's in it..I'm sure my teacher can tell too because I can barely keep myself from staring her down the entire class time.
If you can't tell, I'm pretty ticked about this. I just don't understand. At all. I wish I did. I don't know that I can ask her politely to get up or why she's sitting there. I'm afraid I would get very irate or start crying. I cry when I'm mad. It's really frustrating.
Ok, I'm done with that. I just want to sit in my seat so I can concentrate and get a good grade. I sit there for a reason, I feel comfortable there. If she wanted to sit there from the beginning she should have thought of that then. I'd understand if it was the 2nd week of school and she's still shopping around for a seat..but the sixth week of school is a little ridiculous.

Moving on.
I'm doing a 30 Day Picture Thing on facebook. Today's was "A Picture of Your Biggest Insecurity" Mine is that I'm unimportant.
I know that to some people I am important.
Several people have come up to me today and told me that I matter to them and that I am important. I appreciate that but I just can't believe it until they prove it, ya know? Taking things like that at face value is really hard for me. I've been through a lot of junk and for someone to say they care about me and that I matter, I need them to back it up with actions.
I love doing things for people and making them happy. Relationships matter a lot to me. I would bend over backwards to help a friend, most of you know that about me. Lately, I've gotten to the point where I just don't care. I feel like I don't matter to a lot of people, that they just use me to make themselves feel good. That makes me feel like absolute crap. I'm not thinking of any one person in particular, so don't ask me if I'm talking about you..if you have to ask then I probably am. I just get so worn out from doing favors for people and when I ask them to do one small thing for me they whine about it or don't do it at all. That says to me "I don't really care for you like I say I do."  Everyone's heard that saying "Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option." Lately, I feel like an option. My friends have been choosing lots of things over me and it just hurts. I don't know that they're doing it on purpose or it just happens but that's the truth. Plans are only made as long as nothing else is going on. And by nothing else I mean "better people to hang out with aren't free" not "I have a lot to do, I have to go ______and do _____" work and school are different.
It just really makes me feel like crap.
I'm ready to go to the Navy, make new friends and find out which ones really want to make an effort to keep my friendship. Ya know?

I'm just tired. I've got so much going on. I can't deal with trying to make people happy on top of: studying for the Navy, studying history, writing a book review, reading the book to write the review, writing a research paper, researching so I can write the paper, practicing for aural skills, practicing for my recital, working out and sleeping. Oh and eating...it's too much. I need prayers to trust God completely with all of this. Doing all of this is not humanly possible. I need his supernatural strength to help me live, not just "get through", but live through this semester. I want to experience everything I can and not just survive through it.

I'm not consciously stressing out but I think my mind is realizing what's happening..I'm just not acknowledging it. My body knows what's up..my sleeping patterns this week have been CRAP. I've awakened everyday this week at 330 a.m. ready to start my day. Laid in bed for 20 minutes, fallen back to sleep, woken up at 530 a.m. again ready to start my day, gone back to sleep and THEN when it's actually time to get up at 630, I have to coax myself out of bed. It's ridiculous. No, I haven't changed anything in my diet or routine..I think it's probably just my body screaming at me.

Well. I'm running out of steam..I guess that means it's time for bed.
The Colonel comes tomorrow, I'm excited, even though I don't look it.

20 February 2011

So. I'm sure everyone is on the edge of their seats to know about my test.
Well here it is.
I passed buuuut my scores weren't high enough to be considered competitive. So I have to retake it on March 22. It's sort of a bummer..but I think if I had passed with flying colors like I was hoping for, I wouldn't be able to be content where I am now. I'd be looking ahead longingly for the future and not living in the present. That would be an unfulfilling life. So yay.
Now I'm going to have to micromanage my entire life. I have LOTS of things that need to get done: book reports, practicing for my recital, papers, tests, and studying for the Navy. I might have to cut out a few extracurriculars. I'm hoping not but we'll have to see how much I get done with them in place.

Then I had lunch with a friend. That was nice. It was free lol. :)

Today the weather was absolutely GORGEOUS! My friend and I went out and threw the softball around. Man I miss it so much. I wasn't really that great..actually not at all. I wasn't good at running or hitting..sometimes good at catching and usually not good at throwing long distances. But I loved every minutes of it most days! :) I'm so glad I suggested it. It was so nice to relax and let loose!

Then I came back to school. Bertha is trying to kick the bucket and I just don't appreciate that. I love her [for those of you who don't know, she's my truck]. I need her to be healthy but no one seems to know what's wrong with her. PRAISE THE LORD my windshield wipers work though. I made a joke this morning in Sunday School that I can sit in the rain I just can't drive in the rain...:) For whatever reason, she just doesn't like to go. I can't figure it out. If I were a mechanic I probably could..but I'm not..and I really don't have the money to pay for one. So you guys can pray that she miraculously gets fixed just like my wipers did! :)

Well that's about it. This week is gonna be interesting. AH! THE MARINE BAND CONDUCTOR COMES THIS WEEK!!!!! Yay. :)
I'll be sure to tell you all about him!

13 February 2011

Gotta Be Ready Be Ready to JUMP Down on Jump STREET!

This weekend I went home with a dear dear friend of mine. :) We had lots of fun!
We got to hang out with all her family. I  just love them! They make me feel loved back! We went over to her aunt and uncle's house, played with her cousin, went to dinner, came back to their house, played with her cousin and went back home.
Ya know, sometimes I don't feel like I've lost any weight..actually most times. And most times I don't even feel like I look like I have. I was sitting on the floor playing with her cousin and either her aunt or uncle asked how much weight I've lost. I can't remember which one. So I told them. And her uncle says "yea I can tell, your face is a lot slimmer." and I said "really? I don't feel like" and he said "yea! you've increased your hotness factor!" HAHAHAH. I'm sure I turned red. Then her aunt says "I'm sure that makes her feel good, coming from a bald 40 yr old!" And he says "Well I HAVE eyes! I'm not blind" HAHA. This did make me feel good! Although I'm not sure that I expressed that to him..the whole time I was thinking "I have a hotness factor..since when!?!? And it's been increased...? whoa." lol.
Yesterday I studied Navy [6 days!], then we watched 21 Jumpstreet [New almost favorite show!]. We went to visit one of our friends' mothers. Then to MEXICAN for supper!! Yuuuum!
Today another aunt had a baby shower. That was a lot of fun..and once again my ego was boosted lol. Her OTHER aunt lol..not the 1st or the one with the unborn baby...was telling me how good I looked. I really appreciate confidence boosters like that. They don't go to my head, I promise lol. Sometimes I act conceited but that's not me AT ALL. I still have like 10-15 more lbs to lose. And I'm trying really hard!

Like I said, my test is in 6 days. I'm prepared..I know I am. I think the devil is trying to psych me out or something. I don't have a whole lot of time to study for it this week, so pray that times open up, classes get cancelled and I use my time wisely! I'm sooooo excited! I can't even begin to tell you.

So I'm taking this new vitamin that's supposed to suppress your cravings for sugar. That's what my mom said Dr. Oz says. 1. I didn't know she watched that show. 2. I believe her. So I'm taking it and it turns my pee BRIGHT yellow. Like I'm not even kidding yellow. It's so weird! The first time it freaked me out. It's like I hadn't drank any water for DAYS but I'd had like 32 oz already that morning! WEIRD I say!

3rd times a charm. Or so I hear. hahahhahahahhaha

I keep having weird dreams. About the same person. Like REALLY weird. They could stop anytime and I wouldn't mind.

THE SUN WAS OUT TODAY. It was the most gorgeous day EVER! I hope tomorrow is similar!

Well I need to go to bed. I'm getting up earlier than usual to study. Goodnight

11 February 2011

It's Late At Night

I should be in bed.
[I feel like a lot of my posts start out with that sentence.]
My eyes agree with that statement..my brain, however, does not. It's pretty active right now. I'm not thinking about any one particular thing. It's just thoughts buzzing around. You know when you put the TV on mute and you can hear that humming noise? That's how my brain is right now...quite frustrating if you ask me. I KNOW I should be sleeping and dreaming wonderful weird dreams, because that's how I do I just don't think it's gonna happen. Ok, enough of that, I've got stuff to say!

NAVY TEST IN 8 DAYS! [I actually hadn't planned to say that, it just popped right out]
I guess I'll make the 1st thing about the Navy since we're already on the subject..
I really don't appreciate it when people say "well you can't do so and so when you're in the Navy"
1. You're not my mom...well sometimes you are but I'm not talking about you, mom
2. You don't even know me, obviously, you can't remember my name.
3. SHUT UP do I look like I'm in the Navy right at this moment? NO.
Case in point:
I was at a friend's house on Tuesday night. She made clam chowder. I like Campbell's clam chowder so I thought I'd like hers too. I didn't. I felt really bad but I just couldn't eat it. Usually I'll put up with stuff I don't like if it's made for me but I just couldn't. It was a whole texture thing. So I asked her if she would be offended if I didn't eat it. She said she wouldn't. Then this girl [whom I've met and hung out with like 7 times and STILL can't remember my name, I think I've blogged on this subject. If you didn't read it or I didn't actually blog about it, here's the gist: I don't like it when people don't remember my name after meeting me at least twice. If it's like quick fly by introductions I understand but if you sit ACROSS from me for an entire meal, have conversations with me and can't remember my name the next time you see me, I'm sorry but you've just lost my respect. It makes me so mad.] Ok, so this girl says "well you can't do that in the Navy, you're gonna have to eat whatever they give you and not complain" I wanted to scream at her. I don't exactly remember what I did but it was polite, whatever it was. Does she think I don't know this? I'm not stupid, ignorant or completely naive about this subject. I know life is gonna be tough for a little while, I'll have to get used to different things. But for right now I'm free to do what I want..which includes not eating clam chowder or things that make me wanna puke. MEH.

2. Tonight I had a review session for one of my classes. My friend and I stayed behind and talked to the teacher. We really like him. He's a single man in his 40s. He's a pretty good looking fellow, he's a little awkward but he's super nice. He made a funny: My friend was telling him about this Turn of the Century Social [I think that's what it's called] and about the Rec Department [that's her major] and he said "Well will there be any single 40 year old women there?" It made my heart smile! So if you know any single 40 yr old women, holla at ya girl! :)

3. People need to GET A LIFE. Oh my goodness. If I wanted your boyfriend, I could probably have him with very little trouble. And the fact that this girl is so worried I'm going to steal him tells me several things. 1. She doesn't trust him [if you don't trust him, why are you with him?] 2. I must have more power than I realize 3. The more you freak out, the more drama I want to cause in your life. I can't tell you how much I want to mess with this girl's mind. I want to get her riled up so bad. I know that's not the right thing to do at all but it sounds like so much fun. I never do anything to anyone [because I'm a big chicken]. I just want to post something on his wall to get her going. Don't worry, I [probably] won't. If I do, I'm sure you'll hear about it. :) It's just crazy how idiotic people can be. Oh my word. I think it's hilarious though..it makes it even better that I have complete control of the situation. Everything hinges on what I do...MUAHAHHAHAHA [which will be nothing lol. but it's still fun to imagine.] :) I'll tell you what I imagine: she gets on his profile to "check up on him" translation: facebook stalk him, she sees my post. She turns RED the purple. Then she calls all her ghetto friends and tells them she's gonna kick my butt yada yada yada, then she calls me [I'm not sure yet how she gets my number..maybe she just knows it or something lol] and chews me out, threatens me, the works. Then she starts all over. All the while, not knowing I couldn't care less about her stupid man. Hilarious.

4. So I have been having imaginary conversations in my head lately. No, I'm not talking to myself. It's like I'm watching a movie of me talking to this person, we'll call him Travis. First I should tell you about the other guy, we'll call him Carter. So Carter is an idiot [so is Travis but in a different way], he thinks he can be friends with girls and not lead them on. He should practice this skill more. He's really bad at it. Travis is just Travis. Ok. So in my movie I'm talking to Travis. He says something completely idiotic and I say "CARTER SHUT UP" He looks at me like "huh?" and I look at me like "what did you just say" it's really weird...then I have to go through the whole part where I explain who Carter is and he gets mad and wants to beat him up. It's an ordeal, man. [Sorry, Jenn I forgot to tell you that last part lol, that probably makes it even funnier]. Now as I'm typing this I'm imagining the 2 of them meeting..oh dear me...it's like testosterone central. No joke hahahah.

5. I think that my university should pay JavaJacks to come in and train everyone how to make coffee drinks. It's ridiculous. I rarely get a drink that tastes remotely like what it should. I watch them make these drinks. They do it incorrectly. My friend ordered a Pumpkin Spice Latte. Lattes should have a little foam. SHE HAD NONE. No foam at all. She didn't care, she didn't even notice. But I did. I care about good coffee making literacy (?). Once we had this lady who would order a large latte with extra foam. If you add extra foam, that technically turns it in to a cappuccino [which is cheaper]. So one day my co-worker, Javier [I think], says "If you order a large cappuccino you can save ____ money" and the woman says "no, I want a large latte with extra foam." So we gave her a large cappuccino and charged her for a large latte. People. Geez.

6. I've been seeing this 30 days of pictures thing on facebook. I'm gonna do it. Ok here's what you do. There's a list and it tells you what to post each day. I'm starting on Day 30 because I want to be an individual [rolls eyes]. :) I'm really excited about it. I'm going to find all the pictures I want to post, put them in a folder on Elmer [my computer] and then post them. Doing that will save time in the long run! :) I'm thuper duper excited!

7. Well I think that's all I've got for tonight. AH! VETERAN'S DAY IS IN 9 MONTHS.
Fun fact: Anytime anyone ever says "9 months" my first thought is always "I could have a baby by the time that happens" hahaha. It's ridiculous, I know. But that's just the way it is.
Well I'm still not tired, I'm gonna find some more pictures and then try to sllleeeeep! :) Have a wonderful weekend!

02 February 2011

Bake Me A Cake As Fast As You Can!

I'm just gonna start with this: I don't appreciate it when teachers don't respond to emails. ERG.

I'm gonna get all the irritating stuff out of the way..then we can move to the funny part!

1. [I like numbering things. It helps me get my thoughts organized.] I found out today that Skechers has made knock off TOMS Shoes. If you don't know what TOMS Shoes are go here. Or you can just read what I'm about to say. When you buy a pair of these shoes, you're paying for a child without shoes to have a pair as well. So, yes, they are expensive, but they're like that for a reason. So..Skechers. They've made a brand called BOBS. They look exactly like TOMS but they're cheaper. They donate their shoes to Soles4Souls, which is a great organization. However, I think they're doing it for all the wrong reasons..well actually I don't know the reasoning behind it..I'm assuming. I read this article that talked about it after I found out in class today. I can only assume they did it to make more money, to get better business. I really don't know the logic behind it..but why else would you make a shoe that looks EXACTLY like another [quite popular] shoe, name it a similar name, make it less expensive and give a portion of that away [just like TOMS] other than for financial purposes. I'm still pretty irritated at this..I don't know that I'll buy another pair of Skechers for a while [this may not be hard, I'm not really a fan anyway lol]. That really burns my biscuits. Yea. I hope you share my irritation. I don't want to jump to conclusions but seriously..come ON.

Ok. That horse is dead.

2. Tithing [ooooooh stay tuned this will get good lol] I'll just knock down the bush right away. I don't think it's right to claim your tithes or charitable giving on your taxes for several reasons. 1. the money you tithe isn't yours to begin with. It's God's..you're giving it back to Him. 2. If you give with an expectation of getting it back, are you truly giving? 3. If you expect it back then why don't you just trust God to give it back to you rather than filling out a form to get it back? 4. getting a a thing to tell you how much you gave your church or non-profit organization..whatever you give to, implies you wrote a check to that "business". Personally, I don't like to write tithe checks, it's no one's business but mine and God's how much money I put in the plate...
I'd really like feedback on this subject. I'm sure someone reading this has a different philosophy and I'd seriously like to be enlightened!

3. I hope you're ready for this because it's HILARIOUS.
Ok. So Rebecca and I are getting icecream after supper. [Yes I know, I don't need to be eating it but I just wanted it so bad!] There was no grown up kind in scoop form so we had to get soft serve. Well...my indecisive nature and I choose the mixed kind, it looks like the picture to the right [not exactly like that, of course but you get my drift] So I say "Rebecca! What if my baby came out looking like this!?!"
And she responds "Then it wouldn't be a baby..." [referring to the way the icecream actually looked] I said "NO! The color!" lol
Laughter ensues along with other remarks that I don't remember now.
Then she says "well which way would you want it to be like this [slices her body in half length wise down the middle of her chest] or front to back?"
I think about it for a second. Then I reply "front to back"
"So when girls see my beautiful little black boy walking towards them and they say 'girrrrl he is fiiiiiiine' and one of their friends misses it and asks 'who?' and they reply 'that black boy!' and they turn around to see him and he's WHITE!"
That's probably one of the most hilarious things I've ever said IN. MY. LIFE. lol.
It was great. I hope you appreciated it as much as I wanted you to, I hope it wasn't one of the stories that needed to be told in person. That would be a total bummer! :(

Ok. Time for me to go to bed now! :)

01 February 2011


My life is exciting.
When I say that I'm not joking. Not in the least. I'll tell you all about it if you'd like. Or even if you wouldn't like, it's my blog so I'll do what I want. :)

1. I'm going to type this like a normal person would, even though I'm SCREAMING on the inside. Ok. Here goes. The 27th conductor of the President's Own Marine Band is coming to my school to conduct an honor band festival. The best part: I get to hang out with him for 2 whole days. If you know me at all, you know I LOVE Marines. And to get to hang out with a COLONEL for 2 days..is like the epitome of my life..aside from the other things I'm going to tell you later on in this blog. FYI: when I say "hang out with" I mean: he'll be conducting while I'm standing there waiting for him to need something or one of the students to need something. I'll then hustle to retrieve it. I hope he likes me. I'm SO excited. These letters make it look like I'm calm but I promise, I'm not.

2. In 18 days I'll take my Navy test. And I'll get to tell the colonel about it! I hope he asks! But I hope he doesn't ask why I'm not allowed to join the Marines. The reason may offend him. I'm so excited to take this test. I am to the point where I just want to take it and get over with but I still have some studying to do. I need to be well-prepared...over-prepared, really. I will pass it the 1st time with flying colors so I can then focus on my schoolwork and my upcoming recital. I can't tell you how excited I am about joining the Navy. I'm just bubbling over with excitement! And you haven't even heard the most exciting part of my blog yet!!!!!

3. I have to write a research paper for my Military History class. I LOVE this class so much!! I haven't decided specifically what I'm going to do my paper on but it will have something to do with Naval Aviation! I'm really excited about doing the research...unfortunately I don't want to start it until after I've take my test so I can focus my full attention on one or the other. It's not due until the end of April so don't worry, no procrastinating here.

4. Ok. Here's the most exciting news EVER. So I'm going to be in my friend's wedding. The end. JK!
Her fiance has asked a member of the Packers football team to be in the wedding party. Now, if you know me at all, you know that I LOVE the Packers. Well. He won't know until March if he can do it or not..with spring training and all. BUT if he can, I may get to walk down the aisle with him! I want to soooo bad! I told my friend I'd be on my best behavior! And I'd try my hardest, I really would. I told her if she gave me enough advanced notice I may be able to get all the excitement out of my system by the time the wedding rolled around. She said she hasn't decided who she'll pair him with because her fiance's younger sister knows him so that would be a good match. I have to do everything I can to convince her I'd be well behaved. Again, my insides are screaming because I can't yell this at you, but I didn't want to make you feel attacked. You can help me pray about this. :) It would bring such joy to my life. Man. Even if I can't walk with him, I'll still be in pictures with him and that will suffice. But maaaaan I would just die [after the wedding of course]. :)

I think 2011 will be a fabulous year for me. It's started out great so far, thank the Lord. He's so good to me and I don't deserve any of it.
I can't find a good way to end this exciting blog. I feel like anything I say will just not live up to the rest of it..how unfortunate.
Well. Tomorrow is Groundhog Day. At the rate we're going, our groundhog will be blown to pieces [by the wind, not heavy artillery].
I might write a poem about laughter. As I was falling asleep waiting for a friend I was thinking of one. I've lost the inspiration now. I hope it comes back.