01 February 2011


My life is exciting.
When I say that I'm not joking. Not in the least. I'll tell you all about it if you'd like. Or even if you wouldn't like, it's my blog so I'll do what I want. :)

1. I'm going to type this like a normal person would, even though I'm SCREAMING on the inside. Ok. Here goes. The 27th conductor of the President's Own Marine Band is coming to my school to conduct an honor band festival. The best part: I get to hang out with him for 2 whole days. If you know me at all, you know I LOVE Marines. And to get to hang out with a COLONEL for 2 days..is like the epitome of my life..aside from the other things I'm going to tell you later on in this blog. FYI: when I say "hang out with" I mean: he'll be conducting while I'm standing there waiting for him to need something or one of the students to need something. I'll then hustle to retrieve it. I hope he likes me. I'm SO excited. These letters make it look like I'm calm but I promise, I'm not.

2. In 18 days I'll take my Navy test. And I'll get to tell the colonel about it! I hope he asks! But I hope he doesn't ask why I'm not allowed to join the Marines. The reason may offend him. I'm so excited to take this test. I am to the point where I just want to take it and get over with but I still have some studying to do. I need to be well-prepared...over-prepared, really. I will pass it the 1st time with flying colors so I can then focus on my schoolwork and my upcoming recital. I can't tell you how excited I am about joining the Navy. I'm just bubbling over with excitement! And you haven't even heard the most exciting part of my blog yet!!!!!

3. I have to write a research paper for my Military History class. I LOVE this class so much!! I haven't decided specifically what I'm going to do my paper on but it will have something to do with Naval Aviation! I'm really excited about doing the research...unfortunately I don't want to start it until after I've take my test so I can focus my full attention on one or the other. It's not due until the end of April so don't worry, no procrastinating here.

4. Ok. Here's the most exciting news EVER. So I'm going to be in my friend's wedding. The end. JK!
Her fiance has asked a member of the Packers football team to be in the wedding party. Now, if you know me at all, you know that I LOVE the Packers. Well. He won't know until March if he can do it or not..with spring training and all. BUT if he can, I may get to walk down the aisle with him! I want to soooo bad! I told my friend I'd be on my best behavior! And I'd try my hardest, I really would. I told her if she gave me enough advanced notice I may be able to get all the excitement out of my system by the time the wedding rolled around. She said she hasn't decided who she'll pair him with because her fiance's younger sister knows him so that would be a good match. I have to do everything I can to convince her I'd be well behaved. Again, my insides are screaming because I can't yell this at you, but I didn't want to make you feel attacked. You can help me pray about this. :) It would bring such joy to my life. Man. Even if I can't walk with him, I'll still be in pictures with him and that will suffice. But maaaaan I would just die [after the wedding of course]. :)

I think 2011 will be a fabulous year for me. It's started out great so far, thank the Lord. He's so good to me and I don't deserve any of it.
I can't find a good way to end this exciting blog. I feel like anything I say will just not live up to the rest of it..how unfortunate.
Well. Tomorrow is Groundhog Day. At the rate we're going, our groundhog will be blown to pieces [by the wind, not heavy artillery].
I might write a poem about laughter. As I was falling asleep waiting for a friend I was thinking of one. I've lost the inspiration now. I hope it comes back.

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