20 February 2011

So. I'm sure everyone is on the edge of their seats to know about my test.
Well here it is.
I passed buuuut my scores weren't high enough to be considered competitive. So I have to retake it on March 22. It's sort of a bummer..but I think if I had passed with flying colors like I was hoping for, I wouldn't be able to be content where I am now. I'd be looking ahead longingly for the future and not living in the present. That would be an unfulfilling life. So yay.
Now I'm going to have to micromanage my entire life. I have LOTS of things that need to get done: book reports, practicing for my recital, papers, tests, and studying for the Navy. I might have to cut out a few extracurriculars. I'm hoping not but we'll have to see how much I get done with them in place.

Then I had lunch with a friend. That was nice. It was free lol. :)

Today the weather was absolutely GORGEOUS! My friend and I went out and threw the softball around. Man I miss it so much. I wasn't really that great..actually not at all. I wasn't good at running or hitting..sometimes good at catching and usually not good at throwing long distances. But I loved every minutes of it most days! :) I'm so glad I suggested it. It was so nice to relax and let loose!

Then I came back to school. Bertha is trying to kick the bucket and I just don't appreciate that. I love her [for those of you who don't know, she's my truck]. I need her to be healthy but no one seems to know what's wrong with her. PRAISE THE LORD my windshield wipers work though. I made a joke this morning in Sunday School that I can sit in the rain I just can't drive in the rain...:) For whatever reason, she just doesn't like to go. I can't figure it out. If I were a mechanic I probably could..but I'm not..and I really don't have the money to pay for one. So you guys can pray that she miraculously gets fixed just like my wipers did! :)

Well that's about it. This week is gonna be interesting. AH! THE MARINE BAND CONDUCTOR COMES THIS WEEK!!!!! Yay. :)
I'll be sure to tell you all about him!

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