I have a headache.
I just want to find that dumb piece of paper that my department chair and I wrote on that tells me what classes to take next semester...so I can look them up and make a tentative schedule.
I'd also like to find the list of oboe music that I was going to give to Mr. Erickson concerning my recital next Spring.
I'd like it very much if my computer didn't turn off when it felt like it and if it would wake up in a pronto like fashion...but no..it takes forever..like 10 minutes forever and by that time I'm tired of waiting so I just turn it off and turn it back on then blah blah blah blah....
Today was a LOOOONG day.
I saw armies AND it's only Tuesday!!
And one of my favorite people sat in 2 of my classes today! Hah. :)
And, I know it's alright because Jesus loves me so much I can't even begin to describe it to you!
I also have great friends that hug me via facebook status! :)
My roommate is really chill tonight. I wish I had her chillness. I'm so flustered right now. Bah.
I was tired 3 hours ago..where did that feeling go? I just want to go to bed and end this day but I have a floor meeting at 10..yippee....
Well..this is an invitation to get inside me head..like the title proclaims..so now that you're here..enjoy.
30 March 2010
29 March 2010
Hello Big Bus, Welcome to Our Lane
Today was a stinky Monday...NO ONE wanted to be at school today...of course not, it's the first day back from Spring Break. But we all survived...
1. Today was full of memories that I wish I wouldn't remember. It really just gets my blood boiling when I can't turn them off.
2. I'm not sure why people think they can act better than everyone else..that really gets me too. I just don't get it.
3. I also don't understand why girls feel the need to get a guy's attention by the clothes they wear. It's really not good for you or them. AND it was entirely too cold to be wearing that anyway.
4. My computer decided to be idiotic and it spent the last 3 hours updating and not working...3 hours that I had planned to use to do my arranging project..oh well I guess. I did other things instead.
5. I have to wear my night guard at night now because I grind my teeth still. I wish I would stop so I can stop wearing this nasty thing...it smells funny [well hopefully that will stop], it tastes funny and it's just awkward!! When I went to the dentist he told me my teeth hurt because I'm not wearing my guard. Boo that...and I told him I wasn't because of the above mentioned reasons and then he gave me these cool tablet things. They work so far. I hope it lasts.
That's really all I've got today. It was an average, boring day. I hope tomorrow is more exciting!! :)
1. Today was full of memories that I wish I wouldn't remember. It really just gets my blood boiling when I can't turn them off.
2. I'm not sure why people think they can act better than everyone else..that really gets me too. I just don't get it.
3. I also don't understand why girls feel the need to get a guy's attention by the clothes they wear. It's really not good for you or them. AND it was entirely too cold to be wearing that anyway.
4. My computer decided to be idiotic and it spent the last 3 hours updating and not working...3 hours that I had planned to use to do my arranging project..oh well I guess. I did other things instead.
5. I have to wear my night guard at night now because I grind my teeth still. I wish I would stop so I can stop wearing this nasty thing...it smells funny [well hopefully that will stop], it tastes funny and it's just awkward!! When I went to the dentist he told me my teeth hurt because I'm not wearing my guard. Boo that...and I told him I wasn't because of the above mentioned reasons and then he gave me these cool tablet things. They work so far. I hope it lasts.
That's really all I've got today. It was an average, boring day. I hope tomorrow is more exciting!! :)
28 March 2010
The Whole Place is a No Parkin Zone, Crater Face!
I need to start this out by saying 2 things...1. I love my roommate, her family and their abilities to easily entertain me..and 2. This is gonna be LOOOONG because I was gone for so long. So, don't read it unless you've got the time!
I'll just give you the rundown of my Spring Break.
FRIDAY/SATURDAY [because not much happened on these days]
Well, I think I need to say that my Form & Analysis class and I successfully convinced our teacher to have class outside..mmhm. :)
After that, Rebecca and I got our stuff, loaded it in Bertha and went to Dairy Queen! We got these cream slush things...oh baby they were goood!! Andrea met us there but she couldn't stay long because she had to work. SOOOO...onward to TN we were..
Rebecca survived The Land of The Traffic Cylinders. That place is NUTS, I'm not sure how her head didn't explode!! But I'm glad it didn't!!
We got to town, went by JAVAJACKS! [HOLLLAA] and saw the cutest couple :) then to walmart to get batteries and food for the trip!
When we arrived home it was my sister's 18th Birthday [it was her birthday all day long but you know...]so we ate pizza and icecream and watched tv. :)
We slept on the most UNCOMFORTABLE fold out couch EVERR!!I can't believe we make people sleep on it! I'm appalled, really! Saturday: We just kind of lounged around, then we went to drop off Elmer [my computer] at my friend Aaron's house so he could get fixed!! Then to Flamigo Row we drove...WOOHOO!!
On the way we listened to the Murray/Butler game...man it was bad. I can't believe we played so poorly but still only lost by 2 points..if we had been on our A game we could be in the Final Four right now..oh well. Maybe next year.
Flamingo Row was amazing! From there we went to the Paducah Symphony which was also good!!! Then to Sonic then on to Rebecca's house.
We woke up. Ate some poptarts. Yum!
In Sunday School we talked about addictions, it was interesting what people had to say...
We played the Wii Bowling after church, I'm no better at that than I am regular bowling!! Haha.
Andrea came and played a mini recital with Rebecca at her church. That was fun!!
Oh boy...we then went home to make LAYERED dip...although the term "layered" is optional according to Rebecca and Andrea..it was an interesting experience to say the least...then we had these AMAZING brownies...oh boy they were GOOOOD.
We watched Apollo 13..I'd never seen it. It was really good and I'll probably watch it again sometime. Then we started to watch Connie and Carla and Rebecca fell asleep so we stopped it so we could watch it another time.
We woke up to rain. It was ugly. Very ugly.
We drove to meet Cody...we got off on the wrong exit, that was fun haha.
We went to the City Museum, crawled around in the caves and went down the slides!! I enjoyed myself for a good hour and a half. They have a vintage clothing shop at the top..well on the 4th floor, that's hardly the top but we'll just pretend. Anyway, the bummer is you're not allowed to take pictures so you can't try on funny looking clothes and pose for pictures. :( Oh well, it was still fun. :) I bought a shotglass for my collection. No, I don't use them, I just collect them. It's black. I don't have a black one yet. We were parked in a parking lot near the City Museum, right? Well, when we parked, there was no one parked perpendicularly behind us BUT when we came back there was...guess who got to be traffic director for a day [and by traffic I mean Cody] yours truly. :) He literally came within like 4 inches of that dumb car.
Then we went to the Soldier Memorial Museum **sigh** again, we couldn't take pictures. AND there was a guy on display who was a Navy Pilot and that's what I want to be and I wanted to get my picture with his stuff but I was afraid I'd get in trouble. :(
I really love my country. I love history museums, I love learning about wars, well mostly looking at pictures and reading about people. I just love it!
For lunch we went to Union Station and ate Chinese from Panda Express!! It was fantastic! We watched the fudge maker sing while he made it, that was entertaining, then we walked by later and he gave us some..man oh man..it was amazing. I bought a shirt that says "I *heart* STL" [of course :)] and a pair of sunglasses!! [again, of course] (If you don't know, I have to buy sunglasses any time I go to a new place..it's just tradition: I bought some in the Bahamas, then I went to Chicago and left the ones I'd bought in the Bahamas at home so I had to buy more. Then I went to Washington DC and left my Chicago ones in the room. Then I went to Atlanta and by then it was just tradition. :))
To the Science Center we went from there. This man tried to take our parking spot but we were there first so we fought him for it. Cody's buff, you should see him in the heat of battle! :)
The first thing [well maybe 2nd] you see when you walk in is a slain triceratops!! And the culprit is standing over him just grinning from ear to ear...that sleazy T-Rex.
THEN... [this is the best part so pay attention] we were outside and Cody was climbing on the stone dinosaurs when I notice this shirtless man...he was all tatted up and pumped full of melanin!! He was with this kid, who was probably 14 or 15..well they were just standing around..I'm still not positive what they were doing..anyway. So I'm trying to discreetly take a picture and it's not really working out soooo..I walk around to the t-rex [i believe] and when I turn to look at them the guy is down on the ground doing push ups...see:
yea..it was entertaining haha. :)
We were really looking forward to riding segways but alas, they weren't ready for us. :(
So...before we even left Murray I'd lost my chapstick but Rebecca graciously gave me one of hers because she had 2...well..I somehow lost that one too. I'm not sure how, but it happened. :(
So Cody dropped us back off where he picked us up and we went home. There was nothing to eat there so we went to a mexican restaurant..let me tell you I was POOPED and I looked like a toad on a log [and I think Rebecca feels the same about herself]!! But, nevertheless, the boys stared...I think it MAY have been because I was wearing my Murray State hoodie and we'd just caused a HUGE upset in the NCAA bracket lol..but then we retracted that upset by causing another that did no good for us..anyway, boys stared. Then, when we were leaving, the same boys, with a few new ones stared again. This time, a guy that wasn't there before whispered, sort of loudly, "MURRAY STATE...blah blah blah" Boys. Yuck.
Then we went to Kroger and had fun sliding on the floors. Then I was leaning on the self check out turny thing and it wouldn't let us pay..who knew?
We finished Connie and Carla THEN we watched Grease. Man oh man. I didn't realize that I knew ALL of the words to that movie lol..and I haven't seen it in 12 years!! HAHA. Kennickie is my favorite!! [I feel like that's how it was spelled in the credits, I know it looks funny] He says the greatest things. Watch it and see for yourself!!
Went to pick up Cody and James. They're fun! But before we got there, we went to Target because Rebecca had lost her chapstick too so we had to get more because there was no way we'd both make it all day with chapped lips.
We went to the zoo where all the animals were still SLEEPING. Geez, you'd think they'd wake up for such beauties as ourselves...their loss. I took lots of pictures of them anyway. We visited the penguins and Rebecca decided that since there wasn't a sign saying she couldn't, she should touch the penguins...so she did. Well, that rebellious act got us kicked out off the zoo!! Just kidding, she did get scolded by a worker though..she almost lost a finger, you know. :)
We ate lunch at turtle park ON a turtle!! Yep, sure did! AND while we were there, a woman with a man holding a video camera came up and asked us a question about spring, we [well james and I] answered and we'll be on STLTV sometime..when they decide to air it! :) you can go here to try to find it if you'd like.http://stlouis.missouri.org/citygov/stltv/
Then we went putt putt golfing. I lost, as usual. I just don't have good coordination..doesn't work for me. :/ Then James and Cody left and we had lots of time to kill before we met Rebecca's friend for supper. Soooo we went to the arch, but before that we went to Sonic and got HUGE drinks because..well, we were thirsty. Back to the arch, since both of us had been in it before and neither of us really wanted to spend the money and the line was really long, we decided that looking at the museum underneath was a good compromise. So we were headed in when I saw a sign that read "NO DRINKS BEYOND THIS POINT" [or something like that, OH at Union Station it said we couldn't wear tennis shoes on the escalators...strange place...] and we had these HUGE drinks...so we just sat and people watched. We played the "What job do you think they have" game and then we just asked questions about people to one another..it was fun. THEN...this boy collecting trash caught our eye, he was fun, he had a cart! He was cute too...not very much melanin in him though...sad times. So we watched him for a while..I think he knew we were though because then he stopped what he was doing and started talking to this woman who was also an employee there and he started staring off in our direction...BUSTED. Then we decided it was time to go. So we got up to use the bathroom..well Rebecca needed to, I didn't. We walked all the way over there and it's CLOSED!! The nerve of some people! :) But it redirected us to the bathroom inside the museum..so we walk back over there. Since I didn't have to go AND I still had lots to drink, I resumed my spot on the fun bench facing cart boy.
After that we went to find where her friend lives. Well, we found it really quick and we didn't want to sit in visitor parking for 40 minutes, so she was gonna show me parts of the city...well we didn't think we could turn left out of this joint [turns out there was a light and we could have...] so we turned right and we were gonna turn around. So we start this act..but every time we went to turn left to get back to where we were it was blocked off!! It was terrifying. Well not really, it was really just funny. :) So by the time we do get to turn left it's time to head back to the dorm. So we do and she comes out and I meet her, she's nice!!!
We went to the Loop, which isn't really a loop at all, it's more like Broadway in Nashville, for those of you who know what that means lol. But there used to be a trolley that went up and down that road and "loop"ed around..hence the name. :) We ate at a place called..well..I don't remember..but then we went to FroYo...oh man that place was AMAZING! Then we needed to turn around so for some reason we chose a really shady alley to do so..we almost got hit by this kid from Cali...ugh. lame-o.
We went back to Jessa's dorm and I read this book about messed up cakes, then we went back to Mt. Vernon.
I went home, went to church, went to bed.
yucko doctor, they took my blood, then the dentist. :(
SLEPT IN WOOHOO!! Jennifer texts me and tells me to call her...so I did. Well, then I needed to go downtown Nashville, so I did. Got her, went to get this thing. Then she took me to this peanut shop and a chocolate shop and bought me stuff. it was GOOOOD. Then I went back home and Ali came over. We ordered pizza and the delivery man was VERY confused about which house was mine. It was comical.
Pizza was good, then we watched The Green Mile. Oh man, such a gooood movie! SO good!
Then I went to Lara's and watched New Moon, yuck I didn't like it, and played Karaoke wii! That was fun!
Went to bed
Woke up too early and took the dogs to get cheap rabies shots at the vet. Sat there for a LONG time. Then when they finally came out Winston decided he wanted to get rabies and crawled under the car. Getting him out was an adventure.
Went home, slept a few more hours, got up, watched tv, then went with Jennifer. We went to Walmart a lot, then to the Verizon store, Logans AND when we were coming back be saw a crime scene! Yup, sure did. So I made her turn around. She did. :) And we investigated...sort of. We later found out it was a triple murder. Scary stuff, homes!!
We then went to movie gallery, where they're having a HUGE sale because they're going out of business. I got 6 movies for $5!!! Then we went to walmart, again, then to our friend Aaron's to get Elmer back. While there I saw my favorite Marine on the planet!! I just love him and his entire family! Then we went back to her house and started a movie that was REALLY dumb..so we left and went to walmart...again...then I went home, put everything back on my computer and went to bed.
Wake up.
Go to church.
Come home.
Put more on computer.
Do laundry.
Watch TV.
Leave for Murray.
Almost hit 2 idiot kids.
Get gas.
Return hard drive.
Write blog. :)
Upload pics of ST. LOUIS!!
I'll just give you the rundown of my Spring Break.
FRIDAY/SATURDAY [because not much happened on these days]
Well, I think I need to say that my Form & Analysis class and I successfully convinced our teacher to have class outside..mmhm. :)
After that, Rebecca and I got our stuff, loaded it in Bertha and went to Dairy Queen! We got these cream slush things...oh baby they were goood!! Andrea met us there but she couldn't stay long because she had to work. SOOOO...onward to TN we were..
Rebecca survived The Land of The Traffic Cylinders. That place is NUTS, I'm not sure how her head didn't explode!! But I'm glad it didn't!!
We got to town, went by JAVAJACKS! [HOLLLAA] and saw the cutest couple :) then to walmart to get batteries and food for the trip!
When we arrived home it was my sister's 18th Birthday [it was her birthday all day long but you know...]so we ate pizza and icecream and watched tv. :)
We slept on the most UNCOMFORTABLE fold out couch EVERR!!I can't believe we make people sleep on it! I'm appalled, really! Saturday: We just kind of lounged around, then we went to drop off Elmer [my computer] at my friend Aaron's house so he could get fixed!! Then to Flamigo Row we drove...WOOHOO!!
On the way we listened to the Murray/Butler game...man it was bad. I can't believe we played so poorly but still only lost by 2 points..if we had been on our A game we could be in the Final Four right now..oh well. Maybe next year.
Flamingo Row was amazing! From there we went to the Paducah Symphony which was also good!!! Then to Sonic then on to Rebecca's house.
We woke up. Ate some poptarts. Yum!
In Sunday School we talked about addictions, it was interesting what people had to say...
We played the Wii Bowling after church, I'm no better at that than I am regular bowling!! Haha.
Andrea came and played a mini recital with Rebecca at her church. That was fun!!
Oh boy...we then went home to make LAYERED dip...although the term "layered" is optional according to Rebecca and Andrea..it was an interesting experience to say the least...then we had these AMAZING brownies...oh boy they were GOOOOD.
We watched Apollo 13..I'd never seen it. It was really good and I'll probably watch it again sometime. Then we started to watch Connie and Carla and Rebecca fell asleep so we stopped it so we could watch it another time.
We woke up to rain. It was ugly. Very ugly.
We drove to meet Cody...we got off on the wrong exit, that was fun haha.
We went to the City Museum, crawled around in the caves and went down the slides!! I enjoyed myself for a good hour and a half. They have a vintage clothing shop at the top..well on the 4th floor, that's hardly the top but we'll just pretend. Anyway, the bummer is you're not allowed to take pictures so you can't try on funny looking clothes and pose for pictures. :( Oh well, it was still fun. :) I bought a shotglass for my collection. No, I don't use them, I just collect them. It's black. I don't have a black one yet. We were parked in a parking lot near the City Museum, right? Well, when we parked, there was no one parked perpendicularly behind us BUT when we came back there was...guess who got to be traffic director for a day [and by traffic I mean Cody] yours truly. :) He literally came within like 4 inches of that dumb car.
Then we went to the Soldier Memorial Museum **sigh** again, we couldn't take pictures. AND there was a guy on display who was a Navy Pilot and that's what I want to be and I wanted to get my picture with his stuff but I was afraid I'd get in trouble. :(
I really love my country. I love history museums, I love learning about wars, well mostly looking at pictures and reading about people. I just love it!
For lunch we went to Union Station and ate Chinese from Panda Express!! It was fantastic! We watched the fudge maker sing while he made it, that was entertaining, then we walked by later and he gave us some..man oh man..it was amazing. I bought a shirt that says "I *heart* STL" [of course :)] and a pair of sunglasses!! [again, of course] (If you don't know, I have to buy sunglasses any time I go to a new place..it's just tradition: I bought some in the Bahamas, then I went to Chicago and left the ones I'd bought in the Bahamas at home so I had to buy more. Then I went to Washington DC and left my Chicago ones in the room. Then I went to Atlanta and by then it was just tradition. :))
To the Science Center we went from there. This man tried to take our parking spot but we were there first so we fought him for it. Cody's buff, you should see him in the heat of battle! :)
The first thing [well maybe 2nd] you see when you walk in is a slain triceratops!! And the culprit is standing over him just grinning from ear to ear...that sleazy T-Rex.
THEN... [this is the best part so pay attention] we were outside and Cody was climbing on the stone dinosaurs when I notice this shirtless man...he was all tatted up and pumped full of melanin!! He was with this kid, who was probably 14 or 15..well they were just standing around..I'm still not positive what they were doing..anyway. So I'm trying to discreetly take a picture and it's not really working out soooo..I walk around to the t-rex [i believe] and when I turn to look at them the guy is down on the ground doing push ups...see:
yea..it was entertaining haha. :)
We were really looking forward to riding segways but alas, they weren't ready for us. :(
So...before we even left Murray I'd lost my chapstick but Rebecca graciously gave me one of hers because she had 2...well..I somehow lost that one too. I'm not sure how, but it happened. :(
So Cody dropped us back off where he picked us up and we went home. There was nothing to eat there so we went to a mexican restaurant..let me tell you I was POOPED and I looked like a toad on a log [and I think Rebecca feels the same about herself]!! But, nevertheless, the boys stared...I think it MAY have been because I was wearing my Murray State hoodie and we'd just caused a HUGE upset in the NCAA bracket lol..but then we retracted that upset by causing another that did no good for us..anyway, boys stared. Then, when we were leaving, the same boys, with a few new ones stared again. This time, a guy that wasn't there before whispered, sort of loudly, "MURRAY STATE...blah blah blah" Boys. Yuck.
Then we went to Kroger and had fun sliding on the floors. Then I was leaning on the self check out turny thing and it wouldn't let us pay..who knew?
We finished Connie and Carla THEN we watched Grease. Man oh man. I didn't realize that I knew ALL of the words to that movie lol..and I haven't seen it in 12 years!! HAHA. Kennickie is my favorite!! [I feel like that's how it was spelled in the credits, I know it looks funny] He says the greatest things. Watch it and see for yourself!!
Went to pick up Cody and James. They're fun! But before we got there, we went to Target because Rebecca had lost her chapstick too so we had to get more because there was no way we'd both make it all day with chapped lips.
We went to the zoo where all the animals were still SLEEPING. Geez, you'd think they'd wake up for such beauties as ourselves...their loss. I took lots of pictures of them anyway. We visited the penguins and Rebecca decided that since there wasn't a sign saying she couldn't, she should touch the penguins...so she did. Well, that rebellious act got us kicked out off the zoo!! Just kidding, she did get scolded by a worker though..she almost lost a finger, you know. :)
We ate lunch at turtle park ON a turtle!! Yep, sure did! AND while we were there, a woman with a man holding a video camera came up and asked us a question about spring, we [well james and I] answered and we'll be on STLTV sometime..when they decide to air it! :) you can go here to try to find it if you'd like.http://stlouis.missouri.org/citygov/stltv/
Then we went putt putt golfing. I lost, as usual. I just don't have good coordination..doesn't work for me. :/ Then James and Cody left and we had lots of time to kill before we met Rebecca's friend for supper. Soooo we went to the arch, but before that we went to Sonic and got HUGE drinks because..well, we were thirsty. Back to the arch, since both of us had been in it before and neither of us really wanted to spend the money and the line was really long, we decided that looking at the museum underneath was a good compromise. So we were headed in when I saw a sign that read "NO DRINKS BEYOND THIS POINT" [or something like that, OH at Union Station it said we couldn't wear tennis shoes on the escalators...strange place...] and we had these HUGE drinks...so we just sat and people watched. We played the "What job do you think they have" game and then we just asked questions about people to one another..it was fun. THEN...this boy collecting trash caught our eye, he was fun, he had a cart! He was cute too...not very much melanin in him though...sad times. So we watched him for a while..I think he knew we were though because then he stopped what he was doing and started talking to this woman who was also an employee there and he started staring off in our direction...BUSTED. Then we decided it was time to go. So we got up to use the bathroom..well Rebecca needed to, I didn't. We walked all the way over there and it's CLOSED!! The nerve of some people! :) But it redirected us to the bathroom inside the museum..so we walk back over there. Since I didn't have to go AND I still had lots to drink, I resumed my spot on the fun bench facing cart boy.
After that we went to find where her friend lives. Well, we found it really quick and we didn't want to sit in visitor parking for 40 minutes, so she was gonna show me parts of the city...well we didn't think we could turn left out of this joint [turns out there was a light and we could have...] so we turned right and we were gonna turn around. So we start this act..but every time we went to turn left to get back to where we were it was blocked off!! It was terrifying. Well not really, it was really just funny. :) So by the time we do get to turn left it's time to head back to the dorm. So we do and she comes out and I meet her, she's nice!!!
We went to the Loop, which isn't really a loop at all, it's more like Broadway in Nashville, for those of you who know what that means lol. But there used to be a trolley that went up and down that road and "loop"ed around..hence the name. :) We ate at a place called..well..I don't remember..but then we went to FroYo...oh man that place was AMAZING! Then we needed to turn around so for some reason we chose a really shady alley to do so..we almost got hit by this kid from Cali...ugh. lame-o.
We went back to Jessa's dorm and I read this book about messed up cakes, then we went back to Mt. Vernon.
yucko doctor, they took my blood, then the dentist. :(
SLEPT IN WOOHOO!! Jennifer texts me and tells me to call her...so I did. Well, then I needed to go downtown Nashville, so I did. Got her, went to get this thing. Then she took me to this peanut shop and a chocolate shop and bought me stuff. it was GOOOOD. Then I went back home and Ali came over. We ordered pizza and the delivery man was VERY confused about which house was mine. It was comical.
Pizza was good, then we watched The Green Mile. Oh man, such a gooood movie! SO good!
Then I went to Lara's and watched New Moon, yuck I didn't like it, and played Karaoke wii! That was fun!
Went to bed
Woke up too early and took the dogs to get cheap rabies shots at the vet. Sat there for a LONG time. Then when they finally came out Winston decided he wanted to get rabies and crawled under the car. Getting him out was an adventure.
Went home, slept a few more hours, got up, watched tv, then went with Jennifer. We went to Walmart a lot, then to the Verizon store, Logans AND when we were coming back be saw a crime scene! Yup, sure did. So I made her turn around. She did. :) And we investigated...sort of. We later found out it was a triple murder. Scary stuff, homes!!
We then went to movie gallery, where they're having a HUGE sale because they're going out of business. I got 6 movies for $5!!! Then we went to walmart, again, then to our friend Aaron's to get Elmer back. While there I saw my favorite Marine on the planet!! I just love him and his entire family! Then we went back to her house and started a movie that was REALLY dumb..so we left and went to walmart...again...then I went home, put everything back on my computer and went to bed.
Wake up.
Go to church.
Come home.
Put more on computer.
Do laundry.
Watch TV.
Leave for Murray.
Almost hit 2 idiot kids.
Get gas.
Return hard drive.
Write blog. :)
Upload pics of ST. LOUIS!!
18 March 2010
Would you like a ride out of the Taffeta Ghetto?
So I've discovered that when I go into a certain class happy or in a good mood on test day I usually do poorly...why the heck is this!? It's so frustrating because I'm thinking positively and it's like the universe wants to bring me down a notch..it's so irritating and very discouraging. I hate being in a bad mood and if I have to be in a bad mood to do well on these tests...well that just won't do!
I packed for Spring Break this afternoon...man it took a while. First I had to remove all of my dirty clothes from my laundry basket because it had to be used as a "junkbox" so I can take stuff home that I haven't touched since I got here in August. Then I had to place all the junk in the basket. Then I had to separate the clean clothes I'm wearing the first part of the week from the clean clothes I'm wearing the last half of the week. Then I had to go through all my dirty clothes and see which ones I would need for the first half of the week so I can wash them on Saturday morning. Ugh..it was an ordeal. Just let me tell you! Well, I guess I already did, didn't I?
So let me just say that MURRAY STATE BEAT VANDERBILT!! HOLLLLAAA!! I only got to see the last 5 minutes of the game because the internet was being dumb, then I had a phone interview [which shall be discussed in a few minutes] but apparently that was the best part!!! It was sooo good..we made a shot right as the buzzer was going off and beat those stinkin commodores by 1 point!! I wish I liked basketball lol..but I'm SO GLAD we won! My friend was watching the interviews afterwards and she said that our team is pretty humble and lots of other stuff so yay Racers for being good people. :)
So yea..my interview. It went well for the most part I believe. The questions she asked were REALLY hard to answer over the phone..I felt like I needed more time to think but it was really awkward just sitting there thinking while she was waiting...I hope I got the job. I think it would be SO fun!!! I'll find out around April 2nd what the outcome is. I know that the Lord will provide though. If this isn't the job I'm supposed to have, he'll give me something better!! :)
So today, my neighbor, Jennifer, and I went to the Wellness Center and worked out!!! WOOHOO!!! haha. It was so fun. I love exercising I just don't have time..and when I do I'm just too tired to do so. Anyway...GUESS WHAT!!! I BENCHED 60 LBS!!! HOLLLAA!! I'm so proud of myself, if you can't tell. :) I think I could have done more if I hadn't started at 45, maybe if I'd started at 50 and if I didn't have zumba afterward. I didn't want to wear myself out ya know?
So let me just say, I'm not really a fan of UK and I really wanted them to lose...I don't understand what all the fuss is about. Yes, they're good. But why do SO MANY people have to like them..it's NUTS. I really wanted ETSU to win so UK fans would just shut their faces...yes Megan, I know you like UK but just like you're entitled to your opinions, as am I to mine. I guess I don't not like them...but I'm just not a fan...whatever. I wish they would have lost.
I have a prayer request, one of my friends is not making wise decisions, I'm not exactly sure what he's thinking honestly. He's not doing anything wrong but he's going about what he's doing the wrong way. Just pray that God shoots some wisdom into his head so he can get back on track.
This is the last time I'll be writing for at least 10 days. I may write over break while I'm at home but don't count on it, we have dial up internet still...yea. But in those 10 days I shall be doing all sorts of wonderful things such as: going to the Paducah Symphony, going to Flamingo Row!!!!, traveling to St. Louis YAY and going to the zoo, the city museum, riding segways and watching Apollo 13! Yay. :) I'm excited!!
Well. That's all I've got today. Have a great weekend and be safe, please!
I packed for Spring Break this afternoon...man it took a while. First I had to remove all of my dirty clothes from my laundry basket because it had to be used as a "junkbox" so I can take stuff home that I haven't touched since I got here in August. Then I had to place all the junk in the basket. Then I had to separate the clean clothes I'm wearing the first part of the week from the clean clothes I'm wearing the last half of the week. Then I had to go through all my dirty clothes and see which ones I would need for the first half of the week so I can wash them on Saturday morning. Ugh..it was an ordeal. Just let me tell you! Well, I guess I already did, didn't I?
So let me just say that MURRAY STATE BEAT VANDERBILT!! HOLLLLAAA!! I only got to see the last 5 minutes of the game because the internet was being dumb, then I had a phone interview [which shall be discussed in a few minutes] but apparently that was the best part!!! It was sooo good..we made a shot right as the buzzer was going off and beat those stinkin commodores by 1 point!! I wish I liked basketball lol..but I'm SO GLAD we won! My friend was watching the interviews afterwards and she said that our team is pretty humble and lots of other stuff so yay Racers for being good people. :)
So yea..my interview. It went well for the most part I believe. The questions she asked were REALLY hard to answer over the phone..I felt like I needed more time to think but it was really awkward just sitting there thinking while she was waiting...I hope I got the job. I think it would be SO fun!!! I'll find out around April 2nd what the outcome is. I know that the Lord will provide though. If this isn't the job I'm supposed to have, he'll give me something better!! :)
So today, my neighbor, Jennifer, and I went to the Wellness Center and worked out!!! WOOHOO!!! haha. It was so fun. I love exercising I just don't have time..and when I do I'm just too tired to do so. Anyway...GUESS WHAT!!! I BENCHED 60 LBS!!! HOLLLAA!! I'm so proud of myself, if you can't tell. :) I think I could have done more if I hadn't started at 45, maybe if I'd started at 50 and if I didn't have zumba afterward. I didn't want to wear myself out ya know?
So let me just say, I'm not really a fan of UK and I really wanted them to lose...I don't understand what all the fuss is about. Yes, they're good. But why do SO MANY people have to like them..it's NUTS. I really wanted ETSU to win so UK fans would just shut their faces...yes Megan, I know you like UK but just like you're entitled to your opinions, as am I to mine. I guess I don't not like them...but I'm just not a fan...whatever. I wish they would have lost.
I have a prayer request, one of my friends is not making wise decisions, I'm not exactly sure what he's thinking honestly. He's not doing anything wrong but he's going about what he's doing the wrong way. Just pray that God shoots some wisdom into his head so he can get back on track.
This is the last time I'll be writing for at least 10 days. I may write over break while I'm at home but don't count on it, we have dial up internet still...yea. But in those 10 days I shall be doing all sorts of wonderful things such as: going to the Paducah Symphony, going to Flamingo Row!!!!, traveling to St. Louis YAY and going to the zoo, the city museum, riding segways and watching Apollo 13! Yay. :) I'm excited!!
Well. That's all I've got today. Have a great weekend and be safe, please!
17 March 2010
I Have Sensitive Thighs
HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!! [the k is silent. ;)]
Today, I wore green so I didn't get pinched...that was nice!!
I started out today like any other Wednesday would begin: in a mad dash to find just the right shirt to wear with my supa-fly jeans...well I couldn't find the one I wanted so I had to settle for something else sort of similar but not quite...
After that, prayer, breakfast then my lesson. Ah, my lesson...yes..it was good. I didn't practice much because I've been mega congested..and when I did practice..it just wasn't good. Erg. Oh well. The lesson is over now...
THEN I did marching band admin stuff! It was fun. I love writing drill...when I've got the right mindset. It's so hard when I can't think of anything else to put down that will make sense so I have to give up and come back to it later. I've still got 3 or 4 sets to write I think but I can crank those out tomorrow or Friday.
Then I had Music History...meh that's enough about that, then wind ensemble...THEN...I got my test back that I took on Monday. I GOT A B!!!!! YAY! YAY!! YAY!!!
Then I watched Grey's Anatomy with the Emilys [and megan showed up too]. They're entertaining. I've only seen the show like 3 times..well now I'm up to 5.. I guess. Go me. Well, after that I was cleaning out my Spaghettios bowl: So I'm washing it and I think "hm..I need soap" so I reach for the soap and bloop....there goes my spoon...dooooowwwwn the drain... I must mention that I have already dropped TWO toothpaste caps down there this semester...yes, TWO. So I stare at the hole for about 10 seconds thinking "did that really just happen!? GREAT now they're going to fine us because we [well, I] broke the sink...FAAAAN TASTIC." The I see the fork lying next to the sink and I have a BRILLIANT plan. I will use the fork to get the spoon out. Well, it doesn't work at first, mostly because gravity was taking advantage of us but we eventually defied it and rescued Mr. Spoon! YAY!
Then I went to WWW [wednesday word and worship, for those of you who don't know what that stands for] and it was really good. We talked about angels and how they're totally real. He told us to read a book online [it's free] called Angels on Assignment http://www.angelsonassignment.org/. I plan to! :) Then Savannah wanted me to scratch her back...but I'm not good at that...so I did a little then stopped and she whined and asked liz to. Liz obliged.
Tonight, someone there who doesn't usually talk to me all that often came up and told me that I did a great job on my solo the other night and it really meant a lot to me. They went on for a good minute and a half about how good it was and how awesome I am, it really just touched my heart. I'm not really sure how much this person knows about music but it still made me feel really good on the inside.
Then I collected name tags where I saw my friend Molly with a shoe box! I said "hey molly" and gave her a hug then inquired as to what was in the box..and she looked at me like it was a SECRET and said in a low whisper "baby squirrels" and I said "WHAT!?!?!? I WANNA SEE!!" So she took me off to the side and showed me!! They were so cute!! They were only like this _________________________ big! She said they have to be fed every 3 hours and they're less than a week old. PRECIOUS!
Then Savannah took me to Dairy Queen and bought me icecream. She's a good friend, I like her. Even though she wants me to do things I'm not good at..I'll keep her. :) She dropped my friend Jennifer and I off outside our building. That was nice of her. As we were walking up the steps there were people [that make my heart smile] walking down the steps and Jennifer says, [pretty loudly] "I bet you're enjoying this" and I looked at her and said "I'm gonna punch you in the nose!" and almost ran into one! lol...She is so awkward sometimes!
Now I'm sitting here, there is a car alarm going off and someone needs to fix it now.
Today, I was proven right, once again that men are not dependable I don't get it...ugh whatever.
Tomorrow, I have my interview for a summer job that I REALLY want..so please be praying that it goes well!! :) I'm SO excited about it!!!
Alright, I'm gonna be like an atom and split. [thank you bekah for that! :)]
Later tots!
Today, I wore green so I didn't get pinched...that was nice!!
I started out today like any other Wednesday would begin: in a mad dash to find just the right shirt to wear with my supa-fly jeans...well I couldn't find the one I wanted so I had to settle for something else sort of similar but not quite...
After that, prayer, breakfast then my lesson. Ah, my lesson...yes..it was good. I didn't practice much because I've been mega congested..and when I did practice..it just wasn't good. Erg. Oh well. The lesson is over now...
THEN I did marching band admin stuff! It was fun. I love writing drill...when I've got the right mindset. It's so hard when I can't think of anything else to put down that will make sense so I have to give up and come back to it later. I've still got 3 or 4 sets to write I think but I can crank those out tomorrow or Friday.
Then I had Music History...meh that's enough about that, then wind ensemble...THEN...I got my test back that I took on Monday. I GOT A B!!!!! YAY! YAY!! YAY!!!
Then I watched Grey's Anatomy with the Emilys [and megan showed up too]. They're entertaining. I've only seen the show like 3 times..well now I'm up to 5.. I guess. Go me. Well, after that I was cleaning out my Spaghettios bowl: So I'm washing it and I think "hm..I need soap" so I reach for the soap and bloop....there goes my spoon...dooooowwwwn the drain... I must mention that I have already dropped TWO toothpaste caps down there this semester...yes, TWO. So I stare at the hole for about 10 seconds thinking "did that really just happen!? GREAT now they're going to fine us because we [well, I] broke the sink...FAAAAN TASTIC." The I see the fork lying next to the sink and I have a BRILLIANT plan. I will use the fork to get the spoon out. Well, it doesn't work at first, mostly because gravity was taking advantage of us but we eventually defied it and rescued Mr. Spoon! YAY!
Then I went to WWW [wednesday word and worship, for those of you who don't know what that stands for] and it was really good. We talked about angels and how they're totally real. He told us to read a book online [it's free] called Angels on Assignment http://www.angelsonassignment.org/. I plan to! :) Then Savannah wanted me to scratch her back...but I'm not good at that...so I did a little then stopped and she whined and asked liz to. Liz obliged.
Tonight, someone there who doesn't usually talk to me all that often came up and told me that I did a great job on my solo the other night and it really meant a lot to me. They went on for a good minute and a half about how good it was and how awesome I am, it really just touched my heart. I'm not really sure how much this person knows about music but it still made me feel really good on the inside.
Then I collected name tags where I saw my friend Molly with a shoe box! I said "hey molly" and gave her a hug then inquired as to what was in the box..and she looked at me like it was a SECRET and said in a low whisper "baby squirrels" and I said "WHAT!?!?!? I WANNA SEE!!" So she took me off to the side and showed me!! They were so cute!! They were only like this _________________________ big! She said they have to be fed every 3 hours and they're less than a week old. PRECIOUS!
Then Savannah took me to Dairy Queen and bought me icecream. She's a good friend, I like her. Even though she wants me to do things I'm not good at..I'll keep her. :) She dropped my friend Jennifer and I off outside our building. That was nice of her. As we were walking up the steps there were people [that make my heart smile] walking down the steps and Jennifer says, [pretty loudly] "I bet you're enjoying this" and I looked at her and said "I'm gonna punch you in the nose!" and almost ran into one! lol...She is so awkward sometimes!
Now I'm sitting here, there is a car alarm going off and someone needs to fix it now.
Today, I was proven right, once again that men are not dependable I don't get it...ugh whatever.
Tomorrow, I have my interview for a summer job that I REALLY want..so please be praying that it goes well!! :) I'm SO excited about it!!!
Alright, I'm gonna be like an atom and split. [thank you bekah for that! :)]
Later tots!
16 March 2010
I Should Be Snotted Out By Now...
I'm not sure where to start today....I guess I could start with the title of this blog...
So last Wednesday my sinuses FRRREEEAAAKED out...I could barely stand up come 5:30, so I went back to my room and slept until 10:30, got up, ate a pb&j and went back to sleep until 6 on Thursday morning. Man it was so refreshing..I then stayed congested until about Saturday. Sunday I was alright, everything started coming out..and...it's STILL coming. Like, I kid you not, every time I blow my nose, I have about 6 feet of toilet paper [which, folded in half, is 3 feet] and I honk right into it, ask my coworkers, they've heard me. And I use every inch of it at least 5 times a day if not more!!! I have no idea where all this snot is coming from, I hope it doesn't turn into brain matter! That could be scary! I mean, seriously it's A LOT of snot!!! Thankfully, it's clear so that means I'm not infected. Does anyone have insight as to how I got so much snot!? Geez.
This morning I spent time with Jesus again...that was great! Liz is lending me a book to read, it should be good!!
Today in the office, we watched Glee! Haha..there's nothing to do because the boss is gone to CALIFORNIA!!! Ugh..I wish I could go...oh well. :) I'll have fun with Rebecca in St. Louis!
While watching Glee, I attempted to backup my computer because it will be getting wiped cleaned next week...it was going great..then something happened and it went ballistic. So i started over..I got to the 2nd disc and it messed up again. So I gave up. So I searched around for a hard drive I could borrow, I found one..then I found a more convenient one that I can hopefully use. So, Jesse, if you're reading this, I may text you around 10 to tell you you don't have to bring the Fanninator's! :)
Rebecca and Andrea passed their hearing!! YAY!! Now they can carry on with their recital!
AH!! Today in aural skills I only missed 5 notes in the harmonic dictation! YAY! AND I modulated to the right key in the melodic dictation!! YAY ME!!
Liz doesn't feel well today..it's her functional layer. I feel her pain. :(
Jennifer complained because I didn't mention her...so here I am mentioning her. :) She is working at Wal-Mart RIGHT NOW! I told her I hardly mentioned anyone but she didn't buy it...
I'm excited to go home, well I'll only be there for one day and a half..then I'll be back 4 days later. :) I miss my family! Friday is my sister's 18th birthday! AAAAHHH!! I can't believe it! I got her good presents!! :)
As I was walking back across campus to return to my dorm this afternoon, I saw my friend Jennifer [not the same one stated above] and so I walked with her...then she saw her friend [I think his name was Steven] and man he walks FAAASSSTT!! Most of you know, I'm a pretty slow walker...I've never walked that fast across campus in my life!!! lol. It was a challenge lol.
Well. Today wasn't as exciting as yesterday. oh well. Love you all. :)
So last Wednesday my sinuses FRRREEEAAAKED out...I could barely stand up come 5:30, so I went back to my room and slept until 10:30, got up, ate a pb&j and went back to sleep until 6 on Thursday morning. Man it was so refreshing..I then stayed congested until about Saturday. Sunday I was alright, everything started coming out..and...it's STILL coming. Like, I kid you not, every time I blow my nose, I have about 6 feet of toilet paper [which, folded in half, is 3 feet] and I honk right into it, ask my coworkers, they've heard me. And I use every inch of it at least 5 times a day if not more!!! I have no idea where all this snot is coming from, I hope it doesn't turn into brain matter! That could be scary! I mean, seriously it's A LOT of snot!!! Thankfully, it's clear so that means I'm not infected. Does anyone have insight as to how I got so much snot!? Geez.
This morning I spent time with Jesus again...that was great! Liz is lending me a book to read, it should be good!!
Today in the office, we watched Glee! Haha..there's nothing to do because the boss is gone to CALIFORNIA!!! Ugh..I wish I could go...oh well. :) I'll have fun with Rebecca in St. Louis!
While watching Glee, I attempted to backup my computer because it will be getting wiped cleaned next week...it was going great..then something happened and it went ballistic. So i started over..I got to the 2nd disc and it messed up again. So I gave up. So I searched around for a hard drive I could borrow, I found one..then I found a more convenient one that I can hopefully use. So, Jesse, if you're reading this, I may text you around 10 to tell you you don't have to bring the Fanninator's! :)
AH!! Today in aural skills I only missed 5 notes in the harmonic dictation! YAY! AND I modulated to the right key in the melodic dictation!! YAY ME!!
Liz doesn't feel well today..it's her functional layer. I feel her pain. :(

I'm excited to go home, well I'll only be there for one day and a half..then I'll be back 4 days later. :) I miss my family! Friday is my sister's 18th birthday! AAAAHHH!! I can't believe it! I got her good presents!! :)
As I was walking back across campus to return to my dorm this afternoon, I saw my friend Jennifer [not the same one stated above] and so I walked with her...then she saw her friend [I think his name was Steven] and man he walks FAAASSSTT!! Most of you know, I'm a pretty slow walker...I've never walked that fast across campus in my life!!! lol. It was a challenge lol.
Well. Today wasn't as exciting as yesterday. oh well. Love you all. :)
15 March 2010
Cheesy Tots on the Ides of March!
Beware...the Ides of March!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHOUT OUT TO CODY!!! :)
I know all of you thought at one point today "I hope Jennifer tells us all about her day in her cool new blog I'm following!" So...I'm giving the people what they want!!! :) A list of everything I can think of that happened in the past 24 hours!! Fun and not so fun!
1. Liz and I went to bed at 10 last night (but in real time it was only 9) so neither of us were [was?] tired. So we just chatted! This is a little peep into what our lives are like as roommates on a daily basis. We talked about the missions trip we went on together 2 years ago. We went to the Bahamas with our campus ministry and it was SOOOO FUUUUNNN!! Well... we had some down time and we were sitting around the pool..neither of us feeling the urge to take a dip. So I say "Hey Liz, wanna play Go Fish?" and she says "Sure do you have cards?" and I say "No....we can just make it up!" So we do!! How fun is that!?!? I'll tell you...SOOOO FUUUNNN!! Pretty soon there are people noticing how much fun we're having and of course..they don't understand what's going on. So we try to explain..it doesn't work really. But that's ok. We had fun..one couple did join us and they were FUN...but that's all. We didn't allow anyone else.
1a. Then we talked about how we went to church on that one Sunday we were there and we found these little boys, well they were like 10 and they did the Soulja Boy Crank That dance for us AND sang it..AND she video taped it...ah...the Bahamas. So many good memories there...
1b. While we were there, I acquired an ENORMOUS bottle [that i may still have..come to think of it..] anyway..so I thought "Whoa this would be really good to fill up and drink on the plane!" [and you're thinking..."uh yea..if you wanna pee a river.."] then I remembered that I couldn't fill it up before security bc they'd make me drink it and that would be BAAAD...so I emptied it and wait until we got past there to fill it up. So I searched and searched for a water fountain well..of course I didn't find one. So I went on the hunt for a sink..well FORTUNATELY for me they had bathrooms with sinks..so I happily filled my water bottle to its brim and went back to my seat. Well I had some cheezits..and you guys know those things are salty...so I took a great big swig and...almost spewed it EVERYWHERE...it tasted like TOILET WATER!! So...we weren't allowed to talk on the plane on the way back but I just couldn't help myself and Liz was sitting behind me doing homework. So I turned around and said: "Do you need help with your homework?" and she said "no." and I said "well would you like a cracker?" and she said "no." and I said "how about some toilet water?" and when I said that our friend Carl heard me and he made a face like "GIIIIIRRRRL WHAT YOU TALKIN BOUT!?!" so I burst out laughing and liz looks at me like "SSSSHHHHH!!! WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT" and I said "Carl just heard what I said and made this face" and demonstrated and then she laughed hard. :)
2. I woke up today in a pretty good mood. Jesus helped me stay awake so I could read His word. It was great. I started this new study where you read the Bible chronologically..so far it's cool. It was my first day. I had one before but it didn't give me any direction...it just said "hey read this many chapters a day and you'll finish in a year"...I need direction. So that was good. I read about the Creation then the Fall of Man! Tomorrow is Abraham and Isaac! WOOHOO!!
3. Jesse brought cookies. They smelled funny but they tasted good. They were chocolate chip oatmeal..I don't typically like oatmeal but I couldn't even tell! And she explained some things to me about basketball that I didn't understand..not how it's played but how they chose the teams they did....
4. I played my oboe in Instrumental Arranging. It was....interesting. I arranged "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch"...only a few people got it though. :( Oh well...maybe next time. The rhythms were a little hard for sight reading I guess..oh well.
5. I ate lunch with REBECCA AND ANDREA!! YAY!! We're going to St. Louis for Spring Break [just Rebecca and I] and I'm SOOOOO EXCITED!! We're going to so many fun places, you should be jealous.
6. I took a test in my LEAST favorite class...yea I think I did alright..we'll see I guess. I'm just ready to be done with this class.BLEH!
7. We watched Boy Meets World in the band office...AAAAHHHH I LOOOOVE THAT SHOW!!!!! I wish someone that loves me would buy it for me for my birthday! That'd be nice of them :)
8. Megan came to visit, she hasn't done that in a while. She's writing a paper about how to make your wedding "green" I'm sure it's interesting, I couldn't concentrate on it to understand.
9. I ate supper with Megan and Rebecca! We watched lots of commercials and Selection Monday for the women on the big screen. It was nice!
10. I mixed pink lemonade with my sweet tea and it was GOOOOD.
11. I talked to a strange man with a vacuum cleaner...it was strange and I wish to never do it again.
12. I played a concert where I had a HUGE solo..it was seriously like "hey..let's throw some band in here with this English Horn" but everyone said I did a very fine job, so I believe them. I hope that many people wouldn't lie to me! That's just awful!
13. I talked to my mom like 67 times today for some reason..then my sister called as I'm waiting to go on stage [I had like 15 minutes still] because my dad told her to call me to tell me that my school was playing a school I used to want to attend...I already knew this because it's a BIG DEAL here..but I said thank you and hung up. Not on her, she hung up too. :)
14. I did not have to walk back to my dorm because my friend Kaylee loves me enough to offer me a ride!! She's dating a wonderful boy and I just love them so much! They're so cute!!!
15. Well...not much else happened..I know all the exciting stuff was at the beginning, I'm sorry if the end was boring. :( That's just how my day went. I'm sure I'll think of more later, I should have written it down so I didn't forget..oh well..too late now.
ps. I didn't really eat cheesy tots today..in case there was any confusion...:)
ps. I didn't really eat cheesy tots today..in case there was any confusion...:)
14 March 2010
When Did the Words Frustration and Men Become Synonomous?
*disclaimer: when I say "all" and "none" and other all-inclusive words I don't literally mean the entire population, obviously I realize there are some that don't fit that mold.
This word is the bane of my existence right now.
I feel like all of them [except the ones I'm related to] are out to drive me absolutely insane.
Why? You ask. Well. I'll tell you. I'll try anyway.
I've tried being their friend and do you know what this gets me?
FRUSTRATION like none other!
I wanna scream [almost] every time I finish a conversation with one.
None of them are dependable and they certainly don't want to make plans because something better may come along and they don't want to hear whining when they change THE PLAN.
And if they happen to actually make plans with you and set something in stone...well you're one lucky duck until something better actually does come along and they don't feel guilty about ditching you because, unlike you, they're not emotionally attached, nor do they realize you're a girl and your brain functions differently [sorry for the run-on]
On that note, women don't realize how harmful it is to us to have friendships with men. Most people think "oh whatever they're just a friend"
No, it's so much more than that. You as a woman, get more attached than they do. They consider you one of the guys and guys don't think before they act. They don't think about how other guys will feel if they ditch them, or how other guys will feel if they hang out with another guy and don't invite them...
But we, as women [yes, I'm assuming only women are reading this], get our feelings hurt if they ditch us for who knows what else, and not only do we get hurt but we also get mean as a snake if we find out we were ditched for another woman.
I really think we should evaluate the reason for a friendship with a male. Most times our reasons are selfish. They can't offer us anything that a female FRIEND can't...
And if you've been around me at all the past month or 2 you've heard me say "I'm not getting married" and sure I say that, although deep down I really do want to...someday. I say that because every male I've come across in just the past 6 months has let me down in some way. They say they'll do something then a bajillion other things come up and I'm left high and dry [is that the right phrase for that? idk you get the picture though]
But I'm slowly realizing that right now is not the time for me to be focusing on getting some guy to pay attention to me, it's a time to be focusing on my Saviour and finding out what HE wants for my life and letting HIM lead and direct my path.
The fact that I am faithful in following Him and His purpose for my life, will pay off in the end because He will bring someone who was made just for me into my life.
I don't know when and I don't know how. And honestly, right now I don't care. In fact I don't want to know.
I know that I need to be content in my singleness and accomplish what He has planned for me right now.
And in all honesty, I am BEYOND content being single.
Sure, I have a baby green monster of jealousy deep down inside when I hear of one of my friends getting engaged or having a baby.
But that monster can be quieted when I remind him that with those things comes a man. A man who can't offer me what Jesus can at this point in my life.
I've said all this in hopes that one of you will realize that relationships at this stage in your life aren't all they're cracked up to be..don't get me wrong, some are. Some are blessed by God and will work out forever. But most aren't.
Be careful of the friends you have and the company you keep.
"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life" Proverbs 4:23
The devil will trick you into thinking you can be "just friends" with a guy..then when you think you've got it all under control: you can be his friend and have romantic feelings for him at the same time, he'll rip that rug right out from under you and you'll fall flat on your back with a broken heart and an aching tush. This coming from someone with experience.
Ladies, I promise, it's not worth it.
I'm not saying you can't have male friends. That's not it.
I'm saying it's not wise to put all your trust in guys, have girl friends..that's what we're here for. Better yet, turn to Jesus. He knows exactly what you're going through and how you feel. He's the best source of joy I know of and He's ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS there to listen to your problems.
Guys don't have your best interest in mind. He does. He will never ever ever take advantage of you or your friendship, He'll always be loyal, He'll never bail on you.
I promise your life will be SO much easier if you just let HIM be your best friend and don't worry about those stupid boys.
ok...I think the horse is dead, there's no need to continue beating him.
13 March 2010
It's My First Tiiiime!!!
So...I've never had blog before..never really seen a reason to before..actually I'm still not sure why I just created one. Maybe in hopes that someone somewhere really appreciates what I have to say..all the thoughts that are rolling around inside my head will mean something to someone someday...right? Well I hope so.
Seventh...I am a sister [mind you, these are in no particular order except that which comes to my head]. I have the best younger sister in the world. She's so beautiful and funny [she takes after me. :)] and I just love her so much, I'm so thankful for her! I'm glad my parents decided that one just wasn't enough! Speaking of, I know everyone says this but...I have the best parents ever..of course they're the only parents I've ever had so I'm a little bias I guess. :) They've never made me go without..unless it was something I didn't need..like lunchables..who really needs those? They love me and support me with most decisions I make [as stated above, they weren't too keen on the Marine idea...but they're both on board for the Navy!!]
So you probably wanna know about me...well I am a jack of all trades. It's true. I shall name them all [all the ones I can remember anyway, ya know it's hard to keep track of so many!]
First and foremost. I love Jesus with everything inside of me. He's the reason I'm here right now! I couldn't live without Him. I'm not even kidding about that. He's the greatest thing that has ever happened to me and I try my hardest everyday to live for Him alone. Please ask me about Him, what He's done for me and all that He can do for YOU!! He loves you so much, you wouldn't even believe!! [but you really should.]
Second...well...I am a musician. Not like in a rock band or anything..hah I play the oboe. Yes, like in that commercial "Get your oboes off the table" I'm sure you'd like to hear the story behind my fine choice of instrument..well then I shall tell you. In all honesty, I had no choice at all. In 6th grade I played the Clarinet. My mom told the band director "my daughter will play the clarinet 2 years then she will switch to the oboe." Of course I didn't really care..whatever. Her reasoning was that I would get money to go to college because all colleges need oboe players [IT'S TRUE! IF YOU PLAY OBOE TELL ME!! WE NEEEED YOU HEERREE!!] So. I played. I've been playing since 8th grade..that's holy mackrel...7 years..yikes. Oh, I forgot. Before that I took piano lessons from Kindergarten to 8th grade. I'm not THAT good but I know my way around the ivories. I was in pit in high school for 3 years, then drum major my senior year. And I played cymbals in college marching band for 3 years...I was fly. I just can't lie. :)
Third...I'm a roommate to my wonderful roommate Liz. I just love her, I hope she loves me too. We have SO much fun. I can't even begin to tell you, well because you'd get jealous and no one like the green monster of jealously. So I shall refrain. Moving on..
Fourth...I am a student...yea, it's a rough life I lead. But ya gotta do what ya gotta do. I came to college thinking "man I wanna be a band director" ya know why? Well, mostly because at my high school, we had 4 in 3 years..yea that was pretty exciting..anyway. My dream was to teach in inner city Chicago, I still want to someday..but it's not the right time right now. [I'll tell you all about what it is the right time for in a few minutes..anyway] My plan was to go there, teach high school band [this next is the best part, don't laugh, I'm serious] get my band playing like a million dollars [even though money doesn't really do anything but you get the picture] work up the tune "I Believe I Can Fly" and have R. Kelly sing with us. I'm not even kidding about that. He is from Chicago and I am a pretty good convincer. :) Then I realized that going to inner city Chicago right out of college was probably not the wisest choice..it wasn't something I really wanted anyway...so then I thought, ok I'll go to grad school...get my master's degree in Music History and teach a little college...then I heard about all the committees you have to join..meh..no thanks. But alas, [is that the right word..whatev] I kept on looking at grad schools, I'd narrowed my search to ones in the Atlanta area because i LOOOOOOOVE it there!! Oh man oh man. I LOOOVE it..anyway..plans have changed...which leads me to...
Fifth...I am the BIGGEST fan of the military you'll ever meet. I kid you not, ask any of my friends. I'm not exactly sure when the fascination began..my dad was in the Navy and I just love him so much..so maybe it started at an early age..who knows lol. Anyway....a few months before I graduated high school a Marine recruiter came to my school and told me he wanted me to play in the Marine Band AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HELLO!!!! I was BEYOND ecstatic...my parents..? well...they were a different story. My mom was a little...um...not on the band wagon at all really and my dad was well..I'm not really sure he wasn't as vocal as mom was. The recruiter [he had a really cool name but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to display it to the world on my blog..] came to our house, ate chili with us and try to convince my parents [he already had me on the wagon] that this was the best decision I could ever make for my life. Although he had me sold on the idea..my parents never bought it. Since I wasn't old enough to sign anything on my own I had to have my parents' permission..bummer eh? Well not really, it worked out for the best. My mom made me talk to my friend Kyle, [he's a marine, you'd love him, most people do] and he told me if I joined he'd kill me. Well, me being the wise woman I am and be quite appreciative of the life God has given me, decided he was probably right in all the things he was saying and the advice he was giving..so I decided to go to college instead. My mom told me to just go for a year and see how I like it..so I did and unfortunately...[sort of] i LOVED it. However, every year I've had some opportunity arise to join a military band and every year I've strongly considered it but always found some reason to not. UNTIL NOW. [except minus the band part] Over Christmas break I did a lot of praying about the decision I've recently made. The biggest obstacle was going to be getting my classes to line up and getting to graduate early. Well...needless to say everything worked out.. so here's the plan: I'm now a Bachelor of Science in Music..degree...getter [?], I will graduate one semester and A WHOLE SUMMER earlier than I had originally planned...and guess what I'll be doing with that summer...alright I'll tell you...JOINING THE NAVY!! I'm soooo excited! I'm going to be a Navy Pilot and I can't wait!! Yay.
Sixth...I am a dog lover to the core!!! If you need your dog sat PLEASE call me. I will love that dog like there is no tomorrow! You won't regret hiring me, I promise!! :)
Eighth...I'm a beat boxer...well not really hahahha. but I like to think maybe someday I could be! I like to make noises with my mouth that most people can't. Doesn't that count for something?
Ninth...I'm part british! [isn't everyone!? haha jk] not really but I do love speaking with a British accent! It's my favorite part of the day.
Tenth...my uncle says I should be a stand up comic...I'm not sure if he was being serious or not..but I'll take it. :) I love making people laugh even if I look stupid. Laughing is what keeps me going, keeps my head up with my eyes forward. I've learned laughter cures any bad day and that's just how it is. When I get really tickled my face scrunches up, my mouth gapes open and you can't hear me laugh at all. It's quite a hilarious site. :) When I'm just a little tickled I laugh REALLY loud..and sometimes people make fun of me but ya know, I don't really care. It's their loss that they can't enjoy the moment like I am!
Eleventh...I'm the best hugger you'll ever hug. It's true. Ask my friends, they don't lie! I love giving hugs, almost as much as laughing...they're pretty much tied for first with speaking like a Brit. [am I allowed to call them Brits?] Hugs make my world better on most days and when they can't boost my mood, Jesus always does! :)
Twelfth...[that word looks funny] a gift giver. I love giving gifts and making people smile. I love telling them how much they mean to me and how much I appreciate them. If I don't tell them I feel like I'm doing them a disservice. Everyone deserves to know how much they mean to others. I mean, wouldn't you want to know, I know I would.[that pic is from her surprise party, she cried]
Thirteenth....owner of the BEST vehicle on the planet. Her name is Bertha and she is a BEEEAST!!!! She's a 1990 Jimmy and well she's the bomb, that's all I can say, don't get too jealous, like I said before no one likes the green monster of jealousy.
Fourteenth..I'm a cheesehead. It's true. I love the Packers and there's nothing anyone can say that will change my mind about them. No, I'm not a Brett Favre fan, so no, I'm not now magically a Vikings fan. He can't even pronounce his name correctly...
Well that's all I can think of for now, I hope you enjoyed my first post, I know it was pretty long but well..I had a lot to say
I've just thought of another.
Fifteenth...I'm a barista..well I used to be..I worked at a coffee shop for 2 summers and 1 Christmas break. I loved it soooo much! The people I worked with are some of best people on the planet, guaranteed! I wish I could do it some more but with the stupid economy, they don't need my help. :(
I've just thought of another.
Fifteenth...I'm a barista..well I used to be..I worked at a coffee shop for 2 summers and 1 Christmas break. I loved it soooo much! The people I worked with are some of best people on the planet, guaranteed! I wish I could do it some more but with the stupid economy, they don't need my help. :(
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