29 March 2010

Hello Big Bus, Welcome to Our Lane

Today was a stinky Monday...NO ONE wanted to be at school today...of course not, it's the first day back from Spring Break. But we all survived...

1. Today was full of memories that I wish I wouldn't remember. It really just gets my blood boiling when I can't turn them off.

2. I'm not sure why people think they can act better than everyone else..that really gets me too. I just don't get it.

3. I also don't understand why girls feel the need to get a guy's attention by the clothes they wear. It's really not good for you or them. AND it was entirely too cold to be wearing that anyway.

4. My computer decided to be idiotic and it spent the last 3 hours updating and not working...3 hours that I had planned to use to do my arranging project..oh well I guess. I did other things instead.

5. I have to wear my night guard at night now because I grind my teeth still. I wish I would stop so I can stop wearing this nasty thing...it smells funny [well hopefully that will stop], it tastes funny and it's just awkward!! When I went to the dentist he told me my teeth hurt because I'm not wearing my guard. Boo that...and I told him I wasn't because of the above mentioned reasons and then he gave me these cool tablet things. They work so far. I hope it lasts.

That's really all I've got today. It was an average, boring day. I hope tomorrow is more exciting!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Retainers smell and taste funny too... that's why I quit wearing mine. Now I regret it.
