13 March 2010

It's My First Tiiiime!!!

So...I've never had blog before..never really seen a reason to before..actually I'm still not sure why I just created one. Maybe in hopes that someone somewhere really appreciates what I have to say..all the thoughts that are rolling around inside my head will mean something to someone someday...right? Well I hope so.
So you probably wanna know about me...well I am a jack of all trades. It's true. I shall name them all [all the ones I can remember anyway, ya know it's hard to keep track of so many!]

First and foremost. I love Jesus with everything inside of me. He's the reason I'm here right now! I couldn't live without Him. I'm not even kidding about that. He's the greatest thing that has ever happened to me and I try my hardest everyday to live for Him alone. Please ask me about Him, what He's done for me and all that He can do for YOU!! He loves you so much, you wouldn't even believe!! [but you really should.]
Second...well...I am a musician. Not like in a rock band or anything..hah I play the oboe. Yes, like in that commercial "Get your oboes off the table" I'm sure you'd like to hear the story behind my fine choice of instrument..well then I shall tell you. In all honesty, I had no choice at all. In 6th grade I played the Clarinet. My mom told the band director "my daughter will play the clarinet 2 years then she will switch to the oboe." Of course I didn't really care..whatever. Her reasoning was that I would get money to go to college because all colleges need oboe players [IT'S TRUE! IF YOU PLAY OBOE TELL ME!! WE NEEEED YOU HEERREE!!] So. I played. I've been playing since 8th grade..that's holy mackrel...7 years..yikes. Oh, I forgot. Before that I took piano lessons from Kindergarten to 8th grade. I'm not THAT good but I know my way around the ivories. I was in pit in high school for 3 years, then drum major my senior year. And I played cymbals in college marching band for 3 years...I was fly. I just can't lie. :)

Third...I'm a roommate to my wonderful roommate Liz. I just love her, I hope she loves me too. We have SO much fun. I can't even begin to tell you, well because you'd get jealous and no one like the green monster of jealously. So I shall refrain. Moving on..

Fourth...I am a student...yea, it's a rough life I lead. But ya gotta do what ya gotta do. I came to college thinking "man I wanna be a band director" ya know why? Well, mostly because at my high school, we had 4 in 3 years..yea that was pretty exciting..anyway. My dream was to teach in inner city Chicago, I still want to someday..but it's not the right time right now. [I'll tell you all about what it is the right time for in a few minutes..anyway] My plan was to go there, teach high school band [this next is the best part, don't laugh, I'm serious] get my band playing like a million dollars [even though money doesn't really do anything but you get the picture] work up the tune "I Believe I Can Fly" and have R. Kelly sing with us. I'm not even kidding about that. He is from Chicago and I am a pretty good convincer. :) Then I realized that going to inner city Chicago right out of college was probably not the wisest choice..it wasn't something I really wanted anyway...so then I thought, ok I'll go to grad school...get my master's degree in Music History and teach a little college...then I heard about all the committees you have to join..meh..no thanks. But alas, [is that the right word..whatev] I kept on looking at grad schools, I'd narrowed my search to ones in the Atlanta area because i LOOOOOOOVE it there!! Oh man oh man. I LOOOVE it..anyway..plans have changed...which leads me to...

Fifth...I am the BIGGEST fan of the military you'll ever meet. I kid you not, ask any of my friends. I'm not exactly sure when the fascination began..my dad was in the Navy and I just love him so much..so maybe it started at an early age..who knows lol. Anyway....a few months before I graduated high school a Marine recruiter came to my school and told me he wanted me to play in the Marine Band AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HELLO!!!! I was BEYOND ecstatic...my parents..? well...they were a different story. My mom was a little...um...not on the band wagon at all really and my dad was well..I'm not really sure he wasn't as vocal as mom was. The recruiter [he had a really cool name but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to display it to the world on my blog..] came to our house, ate chili with us and try to convince my parents [he already had me on the wagon] that this was the best decision I could ever make for my life. Although he had me sold on the idea..my parents never bought it. Since I wasn't old enough to sign anything on my own I had to have my parents' permission..bummer eh? Well not really, it worked out for the best. My mom made me talk to my friend Kyle, [he's a marine, you'd love him, most people do] and he told me if I joined he'd kill me. Well, me being the wise woman I am and be quite appreciative of the life God has given me, decided he was probably right in all the things he was saying and the advice he was giving..so I decided to go to college instead. My mom told me to just go for a year and see how I like it..so I did and unfortunately...[sort of] i LOVED it. However, every year I've had some opportunity arise to join a military band and every year I've strongly considered it but always found some reason to not. UNTIL NOW. [except minus the band part] Over Christmas break I did a lot of praying about the decision I've recently made. The biggest obstacle was going to be getting my classes to line up and getting to graduate early. Well...needless to say everything worked out.. so here's the plan: I'm now a Bachelor of Science in Music..degree...getter [?], I will graduate one semester and A WHOLE SUMMER earlier than I had originally planned...and guess what I'll be doing with that summer...alright I'll tell you...JOINING THE NAVY!! I'm soooo excited! I'm going to be a Navy Pilot and I can't wait!! Yay.

Sixth...I am a dog lover to the core!!! If you need your dog sat PLEASE call me. I will love that dog like there is no tomorrow! You won't regret hiring me, I promise!! :)

Seventh...I am a sister [mind you, these are in no particular order except that which comes to my head]. I have the best younger sister in the world. She's so beautiful and funny [she takes after me. :)] and I just love her so much, I'm so thankful for her! I'm glad my parents decided that one just wasn't enough! Speaking of, I know everyone says this but...I have the best parents ever..of course they're the only parents I've ever had so I'm a little bias I guess. :) They've never made me go without..unless it was something I didn't need..like lunchables..who really needs those? They love me and support me with most decisions I make [as stated above, they weren't too keen on the Marine idea...but they're both on board for the Navy!!]

Eighth...I'm a beat boxer...well not really hahahha. but I like to think maybe someday I could be! I like to make noises with my mouth that most people can't. Doesn't that count for something?

Ninth...I'm part british! [isn't everyone!? haha jk] not really but I do love speaking with a British accent! It's my favorite part of the day.

Tenth...my uncle says I should be a stand up comic...I'm not sure if he was being serious or not..but I'll take it. :) I love making people laugh even if I look stupid. Laughing is what keeps me going, keeps my head up with my eyes forward. I've learned laughter cures any bad day and that's just how it is. When I get really tickled my face scrunches up, my mouth gapes open and you can't hear me laugh at all. It's quite a hilarious site. :) When I'm just a little tickled I laugh REALLY loud..and sometimes people make fun of me but ya know, I don't really care. It's their loss that they can't enjoy the moment like I am!

Eleventh...I'm the best hugger you'll ever hug. It's true. Ask my friends, they don't lie! I love giving hugs, almost as much as laughing...they're pretty much tied for first with speaking like a Brit. [am I allowed to call them Brits?] Hugs make my world better on most days and when they can't boost my mood, Jesus always does! :)

Twelfth...[that word looks funny] a gift giver. I love giving gifts and making people smile. I love telling them how much they mean to me and how much I appreciate them. If I don't tell them I feel like I'm doing them a disservice. Everyone deserves to know how much they mean to others. I mean, wouldn't you want to know, I know I would.[that pic is from her surprise party, she cried]

Thirteenth....owner of the BEST vehicle on the planet. Her name is Bertha and she is a BEEEAST!!!! She's a 1990 Jimmy and well she's the bomb, that's all I can say, don't get too jealous, like I said before no one likes the green monster of jealousy.

Fourteenth..I'm a cheesehead. It's true. I love the Packers and there's nothing anyone can say that will change my mind about them. No, I'm not a Brett Favre fan, so no, I'm not now magically a Vikings fan. He can't even pronounce his name correctly...

Well that's all I can think of for now, I hope you enjoyed my first post, I know it was pretty long but well..I had a lot to say

I've just thought of another.

Fifteenth...I'm a barista..well I used to be..I worked at a coffee shop for 2 summers and 1 Christmas break. I loved it soooo much! The people I worked with are some of best people on the planet, guaranteed! I wish I could do it some more but with the stupid economy, they don't need my help. :(


  1. That was awesome. I enjoyed it a whole lot! Glad you have a blog. Yes, we have tons of fun. Yes, I love you, too.

  2. you're good at being a friend too.

  3. You're joining the Navy?!?! I had no idea...that's AWESOME!!! I'm so excited for you and proud of you!! [[huggles]]

  4. That pic of me and Lily is soooo old!! haha
