10 June 2011

Rain Rain Go Away, That's What All My Haters Say

Sorry I didn't post last night, I fell asleep on the couch at like 930 and went straight to bed when my aunt woke me up at 1020! Today is my day off. :)
Again, I've got lots to say. :)

1. First I have to tell you something that happened on Wednesday and I forgot to mention! So we're getting ready to leave and my uncle notices a bird nest about his front door on the house. So he goes and scrapes it down. Yes, I feel the same, "poor birdies" but I also understand that he doesn't want a bird's net ON HIS HOUSE. Well he went inside to get something and the birds came back. They were searching all over for their house. They would fly to where it used to be, then fly to a nearby tree, then the gutter. The whole time they were making sad noises. I felt so bad for them. But they just got more stuff and started rebuilding. He came back out and I was watching them and he asked incredulously "Are they doing it again!?!?!" hahaha yep..they were..so he knocked it down again. Poor guys...I guess they took the hint because they haven't been back.

2. I also forgot to tell you, Wednesday, when I was getting hit on, the guy was telling me how people in the city will steal your bike seats and tires if you don't lock them! How ridiculous is that!?!?!?! I mean, can you imagine coming back to your bike and only having the frame!?!? Crazy. People are nuts.

3. Call ms Ms. Forgetful...I also forgot to tell you that on Saturday, when my aunt and I were driving up here, we saw a real live fire. I'd never seen one before! Besides like bonfires and stuff. We could see the smoke a few miles away. Then when we got near the source, which was about a half mile from the road, we saw that it was a farm house. Completely lit on fire. It was so sad. I hope there was no on in it. I'm sure it was completely destroyed.

4. Ok, so my hometown population was 4,613 in July 2009. [I looked it up but I don't want to all you crazies the website so you know where I live! haha] The suburbs here are ENORMOUS. The one where I work has 43,000 people...that's TEN TIMES the size of my hometown. Holy Toledo. It's outrageous. And it's 4 times the size of my alma mater [it's so strange to say that haha]

5. So apparently everyone here smokes, cusses, or drinks. If you don't smoke, you drink and cuss, if you don't drink, you smoke and cuss..and some people do all three. It's crazy..maybe everyone at home does it too..I guess I just had an ideal of my favorite place and all the people were nice and didn't harm their bodies...who on Earth knows lol.

6. So I think my uncle is losing his memory lol. He's told me the same story twice now, like word for word. I'll let you know if he does it again tonight. It's funny. I think my aunt knew but I was just going to be polite and let him tell it again. 

7. This is the story hahah: Apparently the guys were expecting a southern belle with a [cute] southern accent or something..well any of you who know me know that's quite the opposite of what I am. Yes, I'm from the south but no, I don't have a southern accent. I am polite, as southerners usually are: yes ma'am, no ma'am, yes sir, no sir,...but that's about it. So they expressed their concern for my lack of accent to my uncle. He told them that both of my parents are from the North. Yes we live in the South but when I was learning to speak it wasn't someone with a country twang/southern drawl teaching me how to talk. They just talk normal. They don't have northern accents..maybe they did at the time but I don't really think they did. 

8. This place is full of bikers. Seriously, EVERYONE rides their bike. It's so crazy. Just crazy. I can't explain it to you. Just know, lots of bikers...as in bicycle riders. And I just remembered that I had a dream last night that I had to ride my bicycle to school..which includes one LARGE hill...and everyone in my hometown was riding bikes..so weird lol.

9. Man..so the weather is really messing with me..the first few days I was here it was in the 90s. Yesterday, well the night before last, it stormed a lot. Then yesterday, it didn't get higher than like 65!! I was freezing waiting for the train at like 430 because it was WINDY and the temperature was only 57...geez lapeez. Today it's supposed to be about the same, hopefully I can get in a run before it starts raining again. 

10. I just want you know that I'm an expert tire putter upper and labeler. :) That's what I did yesterday for the most part. I checked a few people out but since it was so cold and rainy, business was sort of slow.

11. Dude. The suburb that I work in is ridiculously wealthy. Like everyone has HUGE houses..and if they don't have huge houses, then they've bought 2 small houses and are tearing them down to build a huge one. It's absolutely ridiculous. Ridiculous. My uncle said there's not a poor person in that suburb. 

12. I've decided I like both of the guys equally lol. Bryan is beginning to open up and talk to me more which is cool. They're so stinkin funny. I'm glad they have senses of humor..otherwise I'd bored out of my mind and feel like an idiot all the time. I hate when you say something funny and the person you're speaking to just doesn't get it...LAME. lol.

Well I've got to get studying on my day off...running is also on the agenda. We'll see. :)

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