06 June 2011

Gunk On My Skin

Today was my first day at the bicycle shop. 
It was great. 
I'll recount it for you.

First. I rode there on my uncle's HARLEY. HOOOLLLLAA! Haha. SOOOO fun. 
We arrived there after stopping at 2 banks (the first was closed) and an Auto Zone. 
I learned how to turn on the computer, wear to change my clothes (I have to wear long pants on the motorcycle), how to put on an apron, how to turn on the water, how to plug in the pressure washer, how to break the pressure washer and then fix it :) how to fill the bucket with soap and water and how to move the metal thing.
Then I learned how to put the bike on this thing that holds it in the air (the metal thing), how to pressure wash it, how to use the squirt bottle and brush and how to use wash it with a rag. 
I washed ELEVEN bikes. ELEVEN. That's a lot. I was outside from 10 to 4 with 2 half hour breaks. I've got a pretty sweet glove line! I would have a watch line but I had to take it off while washing the bikes so I could wear gloves. It looks darker in person. But take a gander. :)

I worked my tush off scrubbing, spraying, scrubbing and spraying some more. It's like these people dipped their bikes in a mud puddle before they brought them in for repairs...weirdos. I was covered in...something...I'm not sure what. Maybe grease. My uncle took pictures but they're on his phone. Hopefully I'll have them eventually. They'll be posted [relatively] as soon as I get them. 

I was going to stay until close but I was tired and my uncle didn't want me to get sick. So he took me to the train station. I had to pay close attention so I can get back to the shop when I have to ride the train lol. I met my aunt on the train. We rode home. She offered to let me drive her Nissan 350Z. Yes, mother. She offered. :) I told her I would LOVE to but that it probably wasn't a good idea because I was really tired and all my sense weren't up to par. 

We went to the store so I could get some cheapo sunglasses. I got gunk on my Disney World ones and I'm not down for that...those puppies were expensive! Then we came home, I took a shower which made me feel better! Then we ate supper. Now we're watching tv and I've had so much water today I've been in the bathroom every 30 minutes...sheesh! Well that's all. :)

Whoa! The woman on the tv is talking about color-changing band-aids! It changes colors as the wound heals. SO COOL!

Interestings of the day:
1. While pressure washing, I felt like I should be in cahoots with John Dillinger! Haha. It was like holding a machine gun..I assume, I've never actually held one. I can only imagine this pressure washer is similar to the way a machine gun feels hahah.
2. I'm really good at lifting bikes. I need no help. YESSSS. :)
3. I can handle about 4 hours of direct sunlight before I get a headache.
4. I don't like eating when I'm hot..but I know I need to.
5. This guy rode by on his bicycle and almost broke his neck watching me wash a bicycle. He entered the shop and chatted with the guys. Mid-chat he hollered out to me and said "Are you having fun out there!?" and I replied "yea...are you having fun in there..?" and he responded with an affirmative. Weirdo...I later found out that he's like twice my age, married, he used to work at the bike shop and he is now a dog walker...WEIR-DO.
6. I'm really good at washing bikes. :)
7. I think the guys that work there like me. They were concerned about my amount of time in the sun..how sweet lol. [no mother, I'm not interested in them...they're both un-single..in fact their women work at the shop too..]
8. I rode a Harley to work. I know already said that but it was REALLY fun!

That's all I've got. I'm going back tomorrow. They can't keep me away!! MUAHAHA.

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