17 April 2010

10 Things I Hate About You

Today was INTERESTING. I'll list interesting things [mostly] in order of which they happened.

0. I woke up at 6:30, looked at my phone and saw that an IDIOT had called me at 5:30. WHY ON EARTH!?!?! Ugh. Whatever. lol 

1. Rebecca and I are driving along and I see the exit for the interstate, yes I notice there are 2 different ones..I get on the 1st one. We drive not even a mile and I say "I think we're going the wrong way." [deja vu, right? lol, if you haven't read my last blog then you don't know what I'm talking about] Sure enough, we come over a hill and there's bridge we [by we I mean she] have never seen before and she says "Oh! Where does that go!?" and I say "TENNESSEE....UUUUGGGGHHH" So we turn around..that's like 4 miles of gas wasted. Great.

2. Get to rehearsal. I need to go to the Chocolate Factory, I ask one person to go with me and I end up taking like 5 people lol. We walked, it was really nice outside. It took A LOT less time than I expected.

3. The bass player with the melanin wore funny clothes today lol.

4. I see the guy with the hair wearing heels. Yes. a GUY wearing HEELS. I'm not joking.

5. Rehearsal is let out late because we have to get in a seating arrangement...then they just say oh wherever you are just stay there.

6. We left for the restaurant.We knew exactly which direction to go...but the road we wanted to take was one way and the we'd already passed the road we needed to take. So we continued forward thinking "well this will run into this road and we'll get there" No such luck. We eventually got to residential area that wasn't taking us anywhere we needed to go. So we turned around and found the 1st street we passed. We got to the restaurant 15 minutes late and my family made fun of us. sort of.

7. We left, got gas, where I pulled too close to the pump. That was fun. We drove back with no problems except my parents are slow pokes. Anyway we made it back to the parking lot safely. BUUUUT once in the parking lot, this stinkin guy thought he would get to a spot faster than me so he went the WRONG way. We almost hit him..we circled around because there were no spots so we headed toward the exit well here comes Mr. "I'm gonna get a better spot than you" zipping around the corner and almost hits us AGAIN!!! WHAT THE HECK DUDE!?!?! The bass player with the melanin was standing right there when it happened and he had a HILARIOUS face. It was priceless. 

8. We go in. I follow Rebecca, for whatever reason, even though I really needed to follow my parents. Anyway. I find my seat because I don't sing on the first half. 

9. I sit through A LOT of music. All the while contemplating life. I had an interesting conversation with myself inside my head. The 2 new friends I made were HILARIOUS. I love them!! They're SO cool!

10. Intermission comes, so I go backstage. Ok, all I really want is some water. That's all. So I walk to the water jug and the guy with the hair is standing in front of it, so I try to politely wait for him to move...he doesn't. So I just start talking to my friend. Meanwhile, this older man, maybe his dad or grandfather walks up and hands him flowers and he says "I can't take these now I'm not done singing, I can't take them on stage" so he gives them back and kisses the guy ON THE LIPS!!! EEEEEEWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! THAT'S SOOOO GROSS!!!! Ok, so I'm standing awkwardly beside them and this woman next me keeps backing up and backing up so she can take a picture of these 2 men...well she squishes me into them and I'm in the most awkward sandwich EVVERRR!!!

11. Then we go on stage and the woman who squished me walks sort of past me and I look at her...it's awkward. I won't elaborate but just trust me. My brain is singed.

12. We sing, it goes off mostly with out a snag, I came in once when I wasn't supposed to lol. 

13. Rebecca and I search for a LONG time to find our parents. I find mine first but there are TONS of people crowded around so we can't get to them...then we finally do. They meet. We talk. We walk. Then we take my parents to the interstate. We come back without getting lost. Go us!! :)

That's all. Man...it was definitely a day and a half. 

Love to all.
-The Girl Who Smiles All the Time
[that's what my 2 new friends call me lol]

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