10 April 2010

I'm Not The Shoes I Wear, I'm Not The Car I Drive..My Identity is Found In Christ

One time I watched this episode of Sabrina. In it, she had a boyfriend who was artsy fartsy and he called her his muse. [A muse is a source of inspiration, according to dictionary.com] She flipped out and thought she had to be doing all these "muse-like " things..like being philosophical and deep all the time..needless to say, it didn't work out. I tell you all this to say: I'm glad I'm not someone's muse, someone's sole source of inspiration. I'm not sure why I thought of this but that's a huge job to have and I'm so not that inspirational. That just came to mind.

I hate when people don't stand up for themselves when it comes to their friends. If you don't want to go somewhere with someone, tell them. If they get mad then that's their problem, not yours. Yes, I just had an encounter with this earlier today.

Today, I'm very thankful but in need of attention...ok maybe not need...but I'd sure like some. Poo on that.

I cleaned earlier. Sort of.

It's frustrating that I go through phases [sometimes these phases last minutes, seconds or maybe even days] where I want something so badly..then the next minute, second or day..I couldn't care less if I ever saw that object ever again. And somedays, like today I'm just torn..I don't know what I want and I don't know if I should know if I can or do want it or not. Am I making sense to anyone? My brain is so stinking annoying. I wish there was a button I could push to make it stop thinking and just go. Thinking is the bane of my existence somedays. God should include "off" switches for the thinking parts of our brains. Sometimes I just want to sit. Not think. Not contemplate or plan. Just sit. This is a really hard task for me. I like to analyze. Most times when I'm not talking I'm analyzing everything going on around me. But, on rare occasion, I'll really just be spacing out.

Today is a rambling day. Sorry to those who needed some wise words of wisdom or something...probably not gonna happen today.

You'd probably like to know about my interview...right? Ok. I'll tell you.
1st. This place is DOWN town. I'm not kidding...why do I feel like I've written this before.. ? anyway...like in the GHETTO!
We were cruisin along on 3rd..[it was on the 1000 block] then, we turn this corner and BAM we're on 2nd! WHAT ON EARTH!?!? We'd only gotten to the 800 block!!! So I freak out on the inside a little. I think "THIS PLACE IS BOGUS AND I JUST WASTED ALL THAT GAS DRIVING HERE" Then we spot a police man and ask him where this joint is. He gives us directions but really, he has no idea either. So we go the way he told us and end up in the same place. So Tatiana suggests that we go back to 4th and go down a little ways. So we do. We're cruisin along and all the sudden I see something I recognize...now this is not something I SHOULD recognize lol. [might I interject? boys are RETARDED, ok moving on] I only know of it because of the way we go to Sounds games sometimes takes us down the road with all the strip clubs...there's one that is purple and white and that's the one I recognized and when I said HEY! I KNOW THAT PLACE! Tatiana looked at me REALLY weird...lol. Then I explained. So then we found 3rd and found the place. It's SOOOOOO tiny!! Oh man oh man. It's TINY. So I carefully maneuver around the 100 ft parking lot. Maybe it's bigger, but not much PLUS it has like 7 HUGE trucks in it. Ok. So I go in, have my interview...which takes MAYBE 10 minutes, she tells me they can't hire me until I've passed the lifeguarding course and we leave. Well when we leave we find where 3rd avenue disappeared lol. Someone built a big ol' hill right in the middle of it. So we turn around and head home. Yay.

2nd. The woman calls me, I miss her call. I call her back. It goes to voicemail. We arrive home. She calls again. Yay I answer. Then she informs me that I will need to pay $135 on top of the 100 I've already paid to take the lifeguarding course. Woohoo. I don't have that money. Prayers for a financial miracle are appreciated. 

That's all about the interview....

You know what my favorite thing ever is!? When someone says they'll text you and they don't. And when I say favorite I mean: something that upsets me.

I got some Super Miracle Bubbles from Megan Brown...I'm not sure what the title is implying. Maybe if I pour them on my bank account it will multiply the contents by 10000? That'd be REALLY fly.

Yesterday I went swimming..to train for my course. It was fun..sort of. The pool we were in was WAY longer than the other one we usually use. I need more practice. Fridays are the only time I have€ though. Boo. I was just practicing my breaststroke and I think Liz was looking at me funny. Oh well, what's new? :)

You know what my second favorite thing is? When someone talks to you because they want something from and only because of that. Yea....It's the bomb...

I always think of things to blog about...when I'm not sitting at my computer or right after I've already posted my blog..ain't that something?

I'm in a good mood today, I promise. I just have a lot of thoughts jumbled in my head and all the mean ones seem to be coming out..I guess that's good, right? Then when there's no more I'll have all the good ones left.

Sometimes I wish we were married in the womb. That would make life so much easier. In my head, it would anyway. I know there would still be infidelity but if you ignore that then life would be grand. I'm joining the Navy soon...well in a year..but that's sooner than 10 years. I was talking to a friend last night I told her that my prince better hurry up and wake up or I'll be 20,000 miles away when he gets out of bed and begins his search. And she said "Maybe your prince is in the Navy" ya know, maybe he is. He better appreciate the 21 years I've been waiting for him. Geez lol. :)

I love Jesus like no other and I know He's got the best things in mind for me. Sometimes I just need to be reminded. So if you see me, or think about me, and feel the urge to remind me, please do because it's very possible at that moment I could be thinking only of the immediate future and trying to jam a squared puzzle piece into a rounded hole. This is an everyday occurrence for me. I'm human, therefore I'm impatient. I want what I want and I want it NOW. You know, that whole instant gratification thing? I've got it tattooed on my shoulder blades. I need to learn that the best things in life you have to wait for. And I, myself, am willing to wait, but my brain likes to take a different approach. :) 

Liz is wiping down our room with Clorox disinfecting wipes. haha I'm going to take a nap.

Well, I guess that's all I've got for today. 

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