22 April 2010

What's Yo Name? What's Yo Numba?

Warning: This blog may start out on the whiny side. But it gets better, promise.

I'm tired of people who feel like they're entitled to put everyone down.
Who think they're better than everyone else.
Who feel like they need to know all that's going on all the time.
Who want in everyone's business.
Who care more about what they think than other people's opinions and feelings.
I'm tired of people who think they can walk all over everyone and not get told what's up.
Who love themselves entirely too much.
Who will argue with a brick wall.
Who insist that things must be done their way or no way at all.
              -and if it's done some other way it was done completely wrong
I'm tired of people who feel entitled in general.
I'm just tired.

I'm ready for the semester to be over.
To feel the sun on my face and the wind in my hair.
To ride with the windows down and the music blaring.
To see my best friend any time I want.
To hug my mom everyday. [and the other members of my family too]
To play with my dogs and sleep in my own bed.
To be barefoot and [relatively] carefree.
To spend more time with Bertha, she gets lonely, ya know.
To make new memories.

I'm ready to join the Navy.
To get in shape.
To move on with life.
To be on a ship.
To see nothing but ocean.
To meet new people and make new friends.
To be part of something bigger than anything I've ever known.

My Summer List
-Teach myself more banjo
-Practice for my recital
-Practice Aural Skills. Everyday. This is a must. There's no way around it. In fact, I may make a rule that until I've practiced Aural Skills I can't learn banjo. Sounds like a plan to me. :)
-Run a lot
-Bike even more
-Workout with Jenn
-Speaking of Jenn, hang out with her more.
-Visit my coffee shop peeps
-Eat less gross things
-Help my hair grow. Any suggestions?
-Love my Saviour more. 
-Be less selfish
-Find more *fun* people. haha.

That's all of that which I can think.

I smell like chlorine. Yum
I like spelling bees.
I wish they had them in college.
I also like asparagus. 
My friend's parents grow it. HOW COOL IS THAT!??! I've never had homegrown asparagus!


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