26 April 2010

Grey Skies and Burnt Biscuits

I can't recall the last time I had a day this bad.

Let me recap.

1. Tried to practice this morning, got all the way through my pieces once and my mouth gave out because my reed was too hard. And I couldn't get it fixed until 2:30.

2. Mom calls and tells me my insurance is now going to be almost $10 more a month than I'm already paying. Great. I don't have that kind of money..plus the fact that they're cutting my hours next year so I REALLY don't have that kind of money. I later found out it will only be like $5...so nice of them to let me know BEFORE my bill came...apparently they want to send you into convulsions so you'll call their stink store. I hate car insurance.

3. I have some of the most idiotic teachers. One of them is so unrealistic. He expects us to learn all this stuff for a test that doesn't count that much but we only have to write a TWO page research paper. Please tell me how that makes sense!? Then he tells us to not make his life hard by turning in stuff so he doesn't have to grade it [or something like that..pretty much he doesn't want to do his job.] UGH.
     3a. My other idiotic teacher doesn't feel the need to let us out of class when he's taught all he can teach.  No, instead he wastes our time by making us listen to yuck. I could have been working on homework for his class during that time...

4. I have a listening test on Thursday. I burned the cd we're supposed to know back in January onto my Itunes...I now have no idea where it is. Nope, none at all. So I asked Rebecca to grab the one off his door...yea..wasn't there. Great.

5. I was waiting for my mom to deposit my check into my account so I would have money to buy a swimsuit I need. I went to click on the link I'd saved in my Favorites. The website was gone. Great. So I go to the website and try to find it again...the price has now been jacked up $20...Great. So I resort to the other one that's not as good of a brand but is cheap. I hope it lasts.

6. I'm stuck with this Form project. I can't figure it out. I've got over half of it done, but where the Development ends and the Recap begins, I can't decide! Ugh. I'm going to get help in a little while though.

That's all....for now.

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