19 October 2010

Don't Let Your Life Pass You By

Day 28: Something You Miss.

I miss the simplicity that life used to have. I took it for granted, I know I did. Especially naps..geez louise. I remember every Sunday my parents would have to FORCE me to take a nap..seriously I'd fight it and fight it. They made us sleep with daddy to make sure we actually slept..or at least laid still for a few hours. I  miss having time for naps.

I was just thinking about this today, actually. I was reading through some old emails and found some between my ex-best friend and I..I've told you about her before. Well. We were really best friends. I don't know how to phrase that so you'll understand. When you think about best friends..we were it. Now we're not even acquaintances. I miss her. It upsets me that it's ended up like this but I can't say I didn't try.

I miss feeling wanted. I've reached a point in my life where I feel like I'm ready for a relationship..I don't think I've ever really felt like this before and it freaks me out a little..especially since all the guys I know don't want to be more than friends with me..

I miss being around animals on a regular basis. They bring joy and comfort to my life. They make me feel relaxed...unless they're in heat. Oh. My. Word. I hate being home when it's that time of the year.

I miss being able to watch tv for hours and hours lol. That's really lame and I know it's mind numbing but sometimes you just need to get away from the real world and let fiction suck you in.

I miss my friends from home. My ones at school are beyond fantastic but they aren't my friends from home, ya know? They're different.

I miss my friends from Taiwan. A LOT. I wish they didn't live so far away. I want to see them and hang out with them again. I love them and I miss them so much.

I miss not having to spend every penny of my money on bills. Seriously, I have zero money..actually negative money..according to my checkbook..according to the bank I've got more. This is ridiculous.

I miss my Grandma Bandle. She died when I was 11, I didn't get to know her as well as I would have liked to, I think talking to her as an adult would have been an interesting experience. But now I'll never know.

I miss being able to read all the time. One summer, I read close to probably 20 books!! For real.

I just miss life when I wasn't in college.

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