13 October 2010

I Hit My Forearm On a Doorknob Earlier. OUCH.

Day 22: Something That Upsets You

Something that upsets me...a lot of things upset me.

When people are rude to me for no reason.
When people lie to me..I guess that would count as being rude but it's own category.
When people talk about my business like it's theirs. [should that be apostrophe s?]
Racism....ooooh that really burns my biscuits. I can't stand that people think just because someone is a different color than they are..or even just of a different social class that they're beneath them. It drives me crazy when I see that kind of ignorance. I want to scream at it.
When boys are idiotic.
When friends are idiotic.
When my mom asks me a bunch of questions [yes, mom it irritates me]
When people expect me to be psychic.
When someone says I did something I didn't do or didn't do something that I did do.
When people don't listen to what I'm saying.
When people do one thing and say another. Sometimes I'm guilty of this but I try really hard not to be.
When teachers expect entirely too much of you, like an unrealistic amount from you.
When someone says they'll do something and then they don't.
When people think they're cool because they do stupid things. Like getting drunk. That's never ever going to be cool. Ever.
When people make comments about my ability to play the oboe WHEN I'M SITTING RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM AND CAN HEAR EVERYTHING THEY'RE SAYING.
When people don't believe what I'm telling them.
When I can't find important things.
When my dogs don't listen.
When boys don't hold the door open for me when they clearly could have without going out of their way.
When people don't acknowledge you're being courteous by holding the door for them.
When people don't say "excuse me" they just plow on through or stand there and wait for you to notice them like you're covered in eyeballs so you can see everything all the time..or because you're psychic.
When people cut me off or pull out in front of me on the road.
When people don't use their turn signals.

There's more I'm sure..but you get the gist.

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